Empowering students for Career Success: Meet our Career Ready Ambassadors

La Trobe’s Career Ready Ambassadors are here to help you get Career Ready!

If you’ve got career-related questions burning in your mind, our Career Ready Ambassadors at La Trobe University are here to help!

Our Career Ready Ambassadors can help you access employability opportunities, connect to the right information, employability programs, and resources and support you may need, in person and online.

Whether you’re still figuring out what you want to do or you’re ready to take the next step, the Career Ready Ambassadors have got your back.

The Career Ready Ambassadors are available via a pop-up service on campus and online. Check out where they are next on Career Hub.

Say hello to your Career Ready Ambassadors!

Emily Ritoli

What campus do you study at: Melbourne (Bundoora)

What course are you studying: Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Biomedicine

Why do you think being career ready is important: Being career ready prepares you for a future beyond university studies. It involves learning new concepts whilst building on your existing skills, knowledge and attitudes. This learning prepares you for long-term success in the professional industry. Taking your time to become career ready is an exciting and worthwhile opportunity to embark on during your studies to enable you to enter to professional world with confidence!

Your experience being a student at La Trobe: My time at La Trobe has provided me with a rewarding experience both academically and personally. Taking advantage of the resources and experiences La Trobe offers has given me experience that I can leverage on in everyday life as well as professionally. I believe that La Trobe has supported me throughout challenges and overall, supported my personal journey during this time.

Something from my bucket list/a place I would love to visit: Do an African safari

Ragini Patil

What campus do you study at: Melbourne City campus

What are you studying: Master of Public Health, specialising in Health Promotion

Why do you think being career ready is important: Being career ready is crucial because it equips students with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the competitive job market. It bridges the gap between academic studies and professional demands, ensuring a smoother transition into the workforce. For me, being career ready means being proactive, adaptable, and knowledgeable, which are essential qualities for achieving career aspirations and making meaningful contributions to public health.

Your experience being a student at La Trobe: Studying at La Trobe University has been a transformative journey that has enriched my understanding of public health and fortified my commitment to community service. The diverse academic environment and hands-on learning opportunities, especially through programs like the Career Ready and Work-Based Learning initiatives, have honed my skills in real-world settings, preparing me for future challenges and opportunities in the field of public health.

Something from my bucket list/a place I would love to visit: A dream destination on my bucket list is Japan during cherry blossom season.

Jinhyun Son

What campus do you study at: Bendigo

What are you studying: Bachelor of Dental Science

Why do you think being career ready is important: Being career ready is important because it prepares students to enter the professional world with confidence and assurance. By developing various skills, gaining experience, and understanding the industry, being career ready opens doors to many more opportunities and a chance for personal growth!

Your experience being a student at Latrobe: My experience at La Trobe has been enriching and transformative. The wonderful campus community, diverse support programs and services (like the Career Ready program wink*) have provided me with the chance to continuously grow both personally and professionally. Overall, my time at La Trobe has been invaluable, shaping me into a confident and capable individual.

Something from my bucket list/a place I would love to visit: I would love to go to Antarctica some day!

Tanisha Dua

What campus do you study at: Bundoora

What course are you studying: Masters of Financial Analysis

Why do you think being career ready is important: Career readiness is an evolving skill set that requires patience and consistent practice. It’s not something you achieve overnight but rather a journey you embark on while studying at the university. Gradually honing your skills ensures you’re well-prepared to ace interviews and excel in your chosen career path.

Your experience being a student at La Trobe: Reflecting on my experience at La Trobe as an international student, I’ve been grateful for the immense support I’ve received. The university offers a plethora of resources and support services dedicated to assisting students. I encourage everyone to take advantage of these valuable resources to enhance their academic journey and overall experience.

Something from my bucket list/a place I would love to visit: The Inca trail leading to Machu Pichu.