If you need to undertake First Aid training to complete your placement or to gain casual employment and also want to save some of your hard-earned cash, look no further!

La Trobe has partnered with St John Ambulance to offer heavily discounted First Aid training sessions that are available both at public St John venues and at La Trobe University venues for your convenience.
The St John Ambulance 1-day course has no pre-learning material or requisites, the program is delivered multimodally to address different learning styles with assessments undertaken throughout the program using the participants’ smart device (tablet or phone).
Ongoing assessment allows the trainer to focus on any areas that require further attention or explanation to build a confident and competent First Aid responder. Follow-up cardiopulmonary resuscitation refresher training is also available as a half-day program and is recommended to be undertaken annually.
Available courses
- La Trobe venue bookings: Your special pricing is already applied.
- St John venue bookings: To get your special pricing of $100 per person, enter Promo code LTUPFA at the checkout.
- La Trobe venue bookings: Your special pricing ($55) is already applied.
- St John Venue bookings: To get your special pricing of $55 per person, enter Promo code LTUCPR at the checkout.
There are plenty of sessions available. Visit the La Trobe First Aid booking portal for more information and to find a session that suits you!
Defib Ready Presentation: Learn from a Paramedic
If you have ever wondered how to save someone from sudden cardiac arrest, or you have seen defibrillators around campus and wondered how to use them, then read on!
The La Trobe Defib Ready Presentation is a free, online presentation that you can access any time.
Our guest presenter, Carpet Hughes, a Registered Intensive Care Paramedic (MICA) with more than 30 years of expertise in identifying, treating and saving people from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) was at our Bundoora campus with an insightful and important presentation for our university community.
You can now view the free On Demand version of the La Trobe Defib Ready Presentation online.
If you are unable to watch the whole session in one go, the system will remember where you are up to and you can pick up where you left off!