Bridging academia and industry through Mentorship

In a thriving partnership, Akash, a Business Analytics student at La Trobe University, found an exceptional mentor in Alvin, a seasoned industry professional at the National Australia Bank (NAB). This mentoring relationship, forged through the University’s Industry Mentoring Program, stands as a shining example of how collaboration can lead to transformative growth and opportunities for both students and professionals.

When Akash first joined the Summer 2023 program, he had a solid academic foundation but sought real-world experience to refine his skills. The results were profound; Akash excelled in his coursework and landed a competitive internship at Darebin Council. Recognising the transformative impact of mentorship, he was keen to participate again. For the 2024 Semester 1 program, he had different goals. As his graduation neared, Akash hoped to further his industry knowledge, as well as support his preparation for the competitive recruitment phase he would soon enter.

Alvin, with over 15 years in the industry, was keen to give back and shape the next generation of analysts. From their first meeting, Alvin’s insights into the industry and Akash’s eagerness to learn created an engaging dynamic. Alvin helped Akash refine his resume, identify appropriate positions and develop his interview skills. Alvin’s insights into what employers look for in candidates gave Akash a significant edge. His mentorship equipped him with the confidence and skills needed to excel in interviews and secure job offers.

Akash reflected that his mentoring experiences were ‘invaluable for my personal and professional growth’. Meanwhile, Alvin found the mentoring experience equally rewarding.

‘I had the pleasure of mentoring Akash, a talented and motivated student who was pursuing his career in data analytics with a mindset for project management. From our initial meeting, it was clear that Akash was eager to learn and develop his skills. His enthusiasm and commitment to personal and professional growth made our mentorship sessions both productive and enjoyable’.

Alvin also believes the mentorship program provided an excellent platform for the exchange of ideas and growth. In addition, as a mentor, the opportunity to give back and share experiences can help prepare the mentee for their journey beyond university. ‘I highly recommend this program to both future prospective mentors and mentees. I look forward to seeing Akash’s continued success and I’m grateful for the chance to have been part of his journey’, Alvin reflected.

This success story highlights the mutual benefits of the mentorship program. It showcases the tangible impact such relationships can have on students’ careers and professionals’ engagement with emerging talent.

Join us in empowering the next generation of leaders.

To register or learn more about the program please visit La Trobe University Industry Mentoring, or contact Jess Crawford, Senior Coordinator Industry Mentoring via