6 ways volunteering increases your employability

Volunteering is a great way to boost your resume and career prospects, employers value the skills you develop through volunteering experiences.

Here’s 6 reasons to get involved and say ‘yes’ to that volunteering opportunity:

  1. Provides you with hands-on professional workplace experience.
  2. Strengthens and develops your transferable skills such as teamwork, communication, problem solving and leadership.
  3. Gives you opportunities to meet new people, build relationships, and expand your professional networks.
  4. You will discover tasks you enjoy and are good at and this will support you in exploring career options.
  5. It boosts your resume with new experiences and referees you can use when applying for other opportunities.
  6. Gives you practice finding and applying for opportunities.

Want further information about ways to boost your resume? Check out Career Ready OnLine to build your cv and cover letters, upload your resume for immediate feedback and practice your interview technique in a targeted video interview.

Image by Joel Muniz on Unsplash