
As part of our goal to effectively disseminate and translate research, we have collated (in one place) all relevant LIDS-produced resources for people with a disability, their families, carers and associated services.

Research Seminar Series

2024 Research Seminar Series

June 12, 2024

Neoliberalism, people with intellectual disabilities and the Royal Commission

Both presentations for our July seminar were co-presented by Jennifer Clegg and Richard Lansdall-Welfare. They are UK researchers and clinicians who are very familiar with the Australian policy context.

Their presentations revolve around their new publication Intellectual Disability in a Post-Neoliberal World and their recent analysis of the Disability Royal Commission.

Their work brings clarity to the key aspects of neoliberalism and its impact on policy and the design and delivery of services. Link to Intellectual Disability in a Post-Neoliberal World.

Slides from the presentations:
What Neoliberalism is and why it matters - Clegg & Lansdall-Welfare

How Neoliberal promotion of Voice, Choice and Work led the Royal Commission astray - Clegg & Lansdall-Welfare

June 12, 2024

Learning from deaths and serious harm: quality, safeguarding and safety

Trigger warning: the seminar discusses incidences where people with disabilities, workers, and in one case a worker’s unborn child, died as a result of service provision. The cases also involve serious harm to people with disabilities and workers, including sexual assault.

This seminar drew upon cases under work health and safety law regarding service provision to people with disabilities. It also looked at two recent cases in which civil penalties were imposed on service providers under another law, the NDIS Act, for failure to provide safe care.

The seminar was co-presented by Dr Alan Hough, Director at Purpose at Work and Adjunct Professor at La Trobe University, and Dr Dru Marsh, Senior Adjunct Lecturer at the University of New South Wales. Both Dru and Alan are also practising board members of disability service providers.

Slides from the presentations:
Hough & Marsh

APRIL 10, 2024

Further critiques of recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission

This seminar featured two more presentations critiquing aspects of the recommendations of the recent Disability Royal Commission.

Dr Alan Hough, from Purpose at Work, presented a critique of the Royal Commission’s recommendations regarding the regulation of disability service provision. Laura Hogan, from the Centre for Disability Services (CDS), critiqued the Royal Commission’s approach to allied health for people with intellectual disabilities.

The April seminar continues on from our March seminar, which featured presentations from Professor Christine Bigby on the approach to group homes taken by the Disability Royal Commission, and Professor Teresa Iacono on its recommendations regarding educational pathways for students with intellectual disabilities.

Slides from the presentations:
The Disability Royal Commission and the regulation of disability service provision - Hough

A critique of the Disability Royal Commission’s approach to allied health for people with intellectual disabilities -  Hogan

MARCH 13, 2024

Critiquing the recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission

This seminar focussed on two key aspects of the Royal Commission’s final report and implications for people with intellectual disabilities: group homes and inclusive school education.  The presentations from Professor Christine Bigby and Professor Teresa Iacono consider the evidence heard by the RC and its conclusions, and critique the recommendations.

Slides from the presentations:
A critical review of the approach to group homes taken the Disability Royal Commission - Bigby

A Critique of the Disability Royal Commission Recommendations for a Pathway to Inclusive Education: Implications for Students with Intellectual Disabilities - Iacono

FEBRUARY 14, 2024

Masters of Disability Practice graduates + new Active Support research

Our first online seminar for 2024 featured presentations by two of the Living with Disability Research Centre’s recent Master of Disability Practice graduates, Steve Lowe and Emily Daniels, and a presentation from one of our research fellows, Lincoln Humphreys, on a recently completed study on the underlying constructs of the Active Support Measure (ASM).

Slides from the presentations:
Restrictive Practices as a last resort: A systematic review of how challenging behaviour is responded to ‘in the moment’ - Lowe

The principles that drive the practice of Local Area Coordinators (LACs) in Australia and Great Britain - Daniels

Active Support Measure: a multilevel exploratory factor analysis - Humphreys

2023 Research Seminar Series

OCTOBER 11, 2023

Quality Hospital Care for People with Intellectual Disabilities (online resource launch)

In October 2023, Professor Teresa Iacono and Professor Christine Bigby launched the Living With Disability Research Centre's newest online resource. ​

The resource is for people involved in the hospital journey of adults with intellectual disabilities. ​

It presents a Framework for Quality Hospital Care based on evidence of practices in hospitals.

Using this framework will help hospital staff, disabiltiy support staff and families to support people with intellectual disabilities as they journey through a hospital. ​

The resource is here:

Slides from the presentations:
Preamble -  Iacono & Bigby

Hospital Project Launch - Iacono

OCTOBER 5, 2023

La Trobe University Ideas & Society Program | Disability and Australian Society: How Well Are We Doing?

In October 2023, Living with Disability Research Centre Director Professor Christine Bigby moderated a panel discussion on disability and Australian society as part of La Trobe University's Ideas & Society Program.

The panelists were Rhonda Galbally, the author of “Lifeboat”, the recent Quarterly Essay, Micheline Lee, and El Gibbs, the Director of Policy for the Disability Network Advocacy Australia.

SEPTEMBER 13, 2023

Two presentations about supporting participation of people with intellectual disabilities in community and their own lives

Our September 2023 online seminar featured two social scientists whose  research focuses on the participation of people with intellectual disabilities.

Urban geographer Associate Professor Ilan Wiesel from the University of Melbourne presents on the experiences of people with intellectual disabilities in community libraries.

LiDs doctoral candidate Charity Sims-Jenkins presents on her PhD research, on the influence of client stories on the way disability staff support choice and control for people with intellectual disabilities.

Slides from the presentations:
Libraries as places of belonging and exclusion for people with intellectual disabilities - Wiesel

The influence of stories on disability staff’s support for choice and control - Sims-Jenkins

AUGUST 9, 2023

Research about people with disability on boards.

Our August 2023 seminar featured two presentations about new research on the experiences of people with disabilities in organisational governance structures.

Dr Alan Hough, director at Purpose at Work, presents the findings from a study that interviewed people with disabilities who were directors and were on the boards of a range of different organisations.

Dr Bernadette Curryer from Side By Side Advocacy NSW talks about findings from the Inclusive Governance Project, which has explored how people with intellectual disabilities can be included on the boards and committees of community organisations.

Slides from the presentations:
Inclusion of people with intellectual disability at a governance level - Curryer

The additional emotional effort of board directors with disabilities - Hough

JULY 12, 2023

Two studies: one on effective support coordination and the other on outcomes when people move to individual apartments.

Our July seminar features presentations from two of our colleagues from the Summer Foundation. The Summer Foundation aims to permanently stop young people with disability being forced into aged care and has a longstanding research partnership with LiDs.

Dr Sharyn McDonald presented the findings of recent research that investigated factors affecting the delivery of support coordination services to NDIS participants. Emeritus Professor Jacinta Douglas presented interim findings from a study about the experiences of people with disability and complex needs after two years in new, individualised specialist disability accommodation (SDA) apartments.

Slides from the presentations:
“Know Everything, Be Everything”: Skills, Attributes and Challenges for Effective Support Coordination in the National Disability Insurance Scheme
- McDonald

“Having moved and being able to be quite independent.” Outcomes over two years for people with disability and complex needs after moving into new individualised apartments - Douglas

JUNE 14, 2023

The Legacy of the Kew Cottages + changing ideas of intellectual disabilities.

Our June 2023 Online Seminar featured Dr Lee-Ann Monk and Dr David Henderson, the co-authors of a new book, Failed Ambitions: Kew Cottages and Changing Ideas of Intellectual Disabilities. They were followed by LiDs Director Professor Christine Bigby who authored the book’s epilogue.

A gripping history, both topical and timely, this history of Melbourne’s Kew Children’s Cottages (1887–2008) is the challenging story of an institution that failed its residents – and it is vividly relevant to today, when the rights of people with disabilities are the subject of a royal commission.

Failed Ambitions was published on June 1 2023 through Monash University Press. This new website contains further information about the history of the Kew Cottages:

Failed Ambitions can be purchased here:

Slides from the presentations:
'A distinct advance on anything yet done for the feeble-minded children of Australia’? Kew Children’s Cottages, 1887-1907 - Monk

The boy tied to a stake - Henderson

Epilogue – Change and Continuity for People with Intellectual Disabilities - Bigby

APRIL 12, 2023

The experiences of LGBTQA+ people with disability.

Our April 2023 online seminar was concerned with the lives of LGBTQA+ people with disabilities and the barriers to inclusion and acceptance that they face.

Professor Adam Bourne and Dr Natalie Amos from the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCHS) present the findings of their research which was commissioned by the Disability Royal Commission. Co researcher and self-advocate Kathryn Bartlett and PhD candidate Tessa May-Zirnsak present findings from a study about self-determination and belonging for LGBTQ adults with intellectual disabilities who use disability services

Slides from the presentations:
Violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of LGBTQA+ people with disability: a secondary analysis of data from two national surveys - Bourne

Factors associated with experiences of abuse among lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and asexual (LGBTQA+) adults with disability in Australia - Amos

"Because it's who I am”: Self-determination and belonging for LGBTQ adults with intellectual disability - Zirnsak & Bartlett

MARCH 9, 2023

The conundrums of group homes: research evidence and evidence-based resources.

LiDs Director Professor Christine Bigby presents a summary of findings from a recent review of the evidence about best practice in group homes, prepared for the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission as part its Own Motion Inquiry. Dr Lincoln Humphreys previews new online training resources on Skills for Active Support.

Slides from the presentations:
The conundrums of group homes - Bigby

Previewing Skills for Active Support: new online training resource - Humphreys

2022 Research Seminar Series

DECEMBER 14, 2022

Engaging people with neurological disability: quality support and co-design

This seminar draws on the work of researchers from the Summer Foundation, a key partner of the Living with Disability Research Centre. PhD candidate Megan Topping presents a model of support for people with neurological disability based on her studies with people with disability, support workers and close others. Dr Kate D’Cruz reports on the design, implementation and evaluation of a co-design project aimed to empower people with disability living in aged care to make decisions about housing options.

Slides from the presentations:
“You’re supporting the whole person”: Model of quality support grounded in the experience of adults with neurological disability, disability support workers and close others - Topping

Strengthening opportunities for people with neurological disability to live independently: A co-design project - D'Cruz


OCTOBER 12, 2022

International perspectives on the impact of COVID 19 on people with intellectual disabilities and family carers

LiDs researcher Dr Tal Araten-Bergman and Dr Carmit-Noa Shpigelman from the University of Haifa, Israel, present on family members’ experiences supporting adults with intellectual disabilities in supported accommodation in Israel during the early stages of the pandemic in Israel. A/Professor Christine Linehan from University College, Dublin, presents the preliminary findings of a study that surveyed (in August-September 2020) the experiences of carers of people with developmental disabilities during the pandemic across 12 different countries.

Slides from the presentations:
"I kept telling him that we did not abandon him": family members’ experiences supporting adults in supported accommodation during the COVID‐19 pandemic - Araten-Bergman and Shpigelman

Caregivers’ perceptions of the global impact of COVID-19 - Linehan

SEPTEMBER 14, 2022

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) awareness and practitioner views

LiDs research fellow Dr Kerryn Bagley and FASD parent advocate Ms Angelene Bruce speak about FASD awareness. Professor Anita Gibbs from the University of Otago, NZ, presents on practitioner views on understanding and helping youth living with FASD.

Slides from the presentations:
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): Hidden in plain sight - Bagley & Bruce
Best Practices for Justice: Practitioner views on understanding and helping youth living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) - Gibbs

AUGUST 10, 2022

Better access to hospital and mental health services for people with intellectual disabilities

Our first presenter Professor Teresa Iacono presents on work in progress, which is translating prior research into a new online training resource about delivering quality hospital care for adults with cognitive disabilities. Our second presenter Dr Jo Spong speaks about the capacity of regional and rural mental health services to support people with intellectual disabilities.

Slides from the presentations:
Increasing Hospital Access and Quality of Care for People with Cognitive Disabilities - Iacono

Preparedness of a Regional Rural Mental Health Workforce to Support People with Intellectual Disabilities - Spong

JULY 13, 2022

Supported decision-making: measuring change

Our first presenter Emeritus Professor Jacinta Douglas reviews the development and features of the Decision Support Questionnaire (DSQ), which is a reliable measure of change in support practice. Our second presenter, LiDs director Professor Christine Bigby presents the findings from an evaluation of training and the adoption of a supported decision-making framework by the Public Trustee Queensland.

Slides from the presentations:
Development and Preliminary Evaluation of the Decision Support Questionnaire (DSC) - Douglas

Evaluation of a Structured Decision-making Framework used by the Public Trustee Queensland - Bigby

JUNE 8, 2022

Including people with intellectual disabilities in the mainstream

Our first presenter Professor Ilan Wiesel speaks about how mainstream services understand and operationalize inclusive services for people with intellectual disabilities. Our second presenter Dr. Ellen van Holstein speaks about the impacts of the digitization of services on the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.

Slides from the presentations:
Mainstreaming, differentiation and individualisation: inclusion of people with intellectual disability in mainstream services - Wiesel

People with intellectual disabilities and the digitisation of services - van Holstein

MAY 11, 2022

Improving oral health for people with intellectual disabilities

Our first presenter Dr Nathan Wilson focuses on the roles caregivers can take in promoting oral health for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Our second presenter Dr Matthew Lim identifies some of the major systemic barriers to better oral health experienced by Australians with disability.

Slides from the presentations:
Beyond the dental chair: The role of caregivers in promoting oral health Wilson

'Filling in the gaps': Where the problems lie in adresssing the oral health of Australians with disability - Lim

APRIL 13, 2022

Thinking about governance of disability services and the paradox of using behaviour interventions for emotional issues

Our first presentation from Dr Alan Hough reviews literature from other sectors to examine whether boards of directors of disability service providers can govern their organisations’ quality and safeguarding. Our second presentation by Adjunct Professor Jennifer Clegg provides an argument for the use of emotional interventions to manage distress among people with intellectual disabilities.

Slides from the presentations:
Governing for quality and safeguarding: A new arena for boards of directors of disability service providers? What can be learnt from other sectors? -  Hough

Helping distressed people with intellectual disabilities to manage their chaotic emotions: The paradoxClegg

MARCH 9, 2022

People with intellectual disabilities planning for the future and support for decision making

Our first seminar for 2022 focuses on two interconnected themes - support for decision making and futures planning. Both can have a lasting impact on the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.

Slides from the presentations:
Planning for the future among older parents of adults with intellectual disabilities Walker

Making or supporting decisions? An analysis of the decision making practice of New South Wales guardians - Macnab

2021 Research Seminar Series

DECEMBER 8, 2021

Reflections on the NDIS and social inclusion 

Our final seminar for the year will review two recently published books exploring the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The presentations will look at the successes and failures of the NDIS and the ongoing issues around achieving the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.

Slides from the presentations:
An overview of and reflections from the book The National Disability Insurance Scheme: An Australian Public Policy Experiment Mhairi Cowden and Claire McCullagh

Still in the underground? Why the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities remains an elusive goal in neoliberal societies - Dr David Treanor (No slides were used for this presentation).

NOVEMBER 10, 2021

Skills for working with people with intellectual disabilities

Our first presentation focuses on workforce skills for working with people with intellectual disabilities who have mental illness. And our second presentation reviews the knowledge base about communication, and how that knowledge base informs good communication support.

Slides from the presentations:
He doesn't communicate, I just know what he wants: The complexity of communication for people with intellectual disabilities - Iacono

OCTOBER 13, 2021

Planning with and supporting people with acquired disabilities

This seminar features presentations by two researchers from our partner organisation, the Summer Foundation.

Slides from the presentations: 
'They treat you like a person, they ask you what you want': Exploring factors that influence the quality of paid disability support - Topping

Hospital to home: Evaluating planning process for people with acquired disability and complex support needs - Cubis


Histories of the Kew Cottages: The 1996 fire and the 2008 closure

Our September Seminar features two historians delving into the history of the Kew Cottages, the oldest institution for people with intellectual disabilities in Australia, which finally closed in 2008. The seminar will offer a snapshot of a wider, co-authored history of the Kew Cottages, which we hope to publish next year.

Slides from the presentations: 
The Kew Cottages Fire in 1996 - Broome

'It's a lonely world out there': Deinstitutionalisation and the closure of the Kew Cottages - Henderson

AUGUST 11, 2021

Snapshots of research about improving the lives of people with cognitive disabilities 

This seminar focuses on some of the outcomes of the collaborative partnership between the Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University, and the Summer Foundation. It will provide an overview of the research program with examples of recently completed projects and preliminary findings from current projects.

Slides from the presentations: 

JULY 14, 2021

Observing the quality of staff practice 

This seminar explores the benefits of using observational methods to assess the quality of staff practice in services for people with intellectual disabilities.

Reviewing observational methods for measuring quality of support. Professor Christine Bigby, Director Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University

Psychometric evalutation of the Active Support Measure. Dr Lincoln Humphreys, Research Fellow, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University

Developing the Observing Staff Support tool for regulators and managers. Dr Tal Araten-Bergman, Research Fellow, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University

Slides from these presentations: July_Seminar - 2021

JUNE 9, 2021

Revisiting issues of ageing with disability: Continuing challenges of bridging service systems

This seminar launched the Handbook on Ageing with Disability published by Routledge and edited by Michelle Putnam and Christine Bigby.

Knowledge-building in the field of ageing with disability: Where are we at? What else do we need to know. Professor Michelle Putnam - Simmons University (USA)
Slides from this presentation - Putnam

Supporting ageing people with intellectual disability in group homes: Past present and future. Dr Tal Araten-Bergman, Research Fellow, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University
Slides form this presentation - Araten-Bergman

MAY 19, 2021

Frontline Practice Leadership - why it's important and how to do it. 

Professor Christine Bigby, Director Living with Disability Research Cente, La Trobe University and Dr Lincoln Humphreys, Research Fellow, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University.

Slides from this presentation - Bigby
Slides from this presentation - Humphreys

APRIL 14, 2021

Two presentations exploring risk and self-determination - two issues fundamental to support practice with people with intellectual disabilities.

Possibility and risk in encounters between people with and without intellectual disability. Dr Ilan Wiesel, Associate Professor Urban Geogrpahy, University of Melbourne.
Slides from this presentation - Wiesel [PDF: 8mb]

Staff perspectives and supporting people with intellectual disability to be self-determined. Charity Sims-Jenkins, PhD Candidate, Living with Disabiity Research Centre, La Trobe University.
Slides from this presentation - Smins-Jenkins [PDF: 1.1mb]

MARCH 10, 2021

Increasing  the participation of people with intellectual disabilities in physical activity. Four presentations look at recent and upcoming research about people with intellectual and developmental disabilities participating in physical activity.

A new community-based study of exercise for people with Prader-WIlli syndrome. Professor Noral Shields, La Trobe University
Slides from this presentation - Shields [PDF:]

How can we support girls and women with Rett syndrome to engage in more light physical activities? Associate Professor Jenny Downs, Head, Child Disability Health and Wellbeing, Telethon Kids Institute
Slides from this presentation - Downs [PDF:]

What happens in a community gym setting when people with Prader-Willi syndrome are exercising? A focused ethnography study. Cara Schofield, PhD Candidate, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University
Slides from this presentation - Schofield [PDF:]

What are the barriers and facilitators to participating in community gym exercise for young adults with cerebral palsy? A qualitative study. Georgia McKenzie, PhD Candidate, La Trobe University
Slides from this presentation - McKenzie [PDF:]

FEBRUARY 10, 2021

Managing and coordinating individual support for people with intellectual disabilities

Putting people at the heart of social work – the named social worker project in England. Lyn Romeo, Chief Social Worker for Adults, England Uk
Slides from this presentation - Romeo

“I do it for nothing": Parents as case managers. Michelle King, PhD Candidate, Australian Centre for Health Law Research, Queensland University of Technology
Slides from this presentation - King [PDF:]

2020 Research Seminar Series

DECEMBER 9, 2020

Policy advice and research agendas for people with cognitive disabilities. Daniel Leighton, NDIS. Dr Janice Biggs, NDIS. Professor Bruce Bonyhady, NDRP. Associate Professor Di WInker, Summer Foundation. Professor Christine Bigby, Living with Disability Research Centre.

Slides from the presentations:
NDIA Research and Evaluation Branch - Biggs, J.
National Disability Research Partnership - Bonyhady, B
Summer Foundation: Research Program Overview - Winkler, D.

Watch the recording on our YouTube channel: December Seminar

NOVEMBER 11, 2020

Preliminary evaluation of the La Trobe Support for Decision Making Practice Framework. Professors Christine Bigby and Jacinta Douglas, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University.

Slides from this presentation - Bigby & Douglas [PDF: 4.7mb]

Watch the recording on our Youtube channel: November - Bigby & Douglas

OCTOBER 14, 2020

Living well with acquired neurological disability: The things that help, the things that get in the way. Emeritus Professor Jacinta Douglas, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University.

Perceptions of health and social service professionals of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Dr Kerryn Bagley, Lecturer Social Work, La Trobe Rural Health School.


The NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Scheme in context. Dr Alan Hough, Director, Purpose at Work.

Slides from this presentation - Hough [PDF: 2.4mb]

Administrative compliance or personal outcomes? Exploring service quality from the perspectives of leaders and frontline staff within disability day service organisations. Jade McEwen, PhD Candidate, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University.

Slides from this presentation - McEwen [PDF: 912kb]

Watch the recording on our Youtube channel: September Seminar

AUGUST 12, 2020

Understanding the transformative potential of sharing personal stories: A process model of narrative storytelling. Dr Kate D'Cruz, Lecturer, Occupational Therapy, La Trobe University

Slides from this presentation - D'Cruz [PDF: 3.4mb]

Stories from the Wild West frontier: The NDIS experiences of people with severe and profound intellectual disabilities. Dr David Henderson, Research Fellow, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University

Slides from this presentation - Henderson [PDF: 2.5mb]

JULY 8, 2020

Factors that influence the quality of staff support for people with intellectual disabilities in supported accommodation services – messages for people with disabilities, funders, regulators and service providers. Professor Christine Bigby, Director Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University.

Slides from this presentation - Bigby [PDF: 8.2mb]

Understanding the factors that influence the quality of paid disability support for adults with acquired neurological disability and complex needs: a scoping review and thematic synthesis. Megan Topping, PhD Candidate, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University.

Slides from this presentation - Topping [PDF: 2.4mb]

JUNE 10, 2020

Development of the La Trobe Reasonable Adjustments for Inclusive Education rating scale. Professor Teresa Iacono, La Trobe Rural Health School and Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University.

Slides from this presentation - Iacono [PDF:3.9mb]

A randomised control trial of shifting perceptions to enhance inclusive school education of students with disability through reasonable adjustments. Dr Jo Spong, Lecturer, La Trobe Rural Health School, La Trobe University.

Slides from this presentation - Spong [PDF:5.8mb]

MAY 13, 2020

Glossing over issues in the rush to have everybody under the disability banner: Dedifferentiation and people with intellectual disability in the NDIS. Professor Christine Bigby, Director Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University.

To view videos of these two presentations, please click here: May Seminar - 2020. Alternatively, click on the links below to see the slides from each presentation.

Slides from this presentation - Bigby [PDF:3.8mb]

Group homes, concerns about 'risk', and the use of restrictive practices. Dr Claire Spivakovsky, University of Melbourne


MARCH 11, 2020

Twitter versus the 'so-called professionals': Social media responses to evidence presented by researchers to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. Dr Sian Anderson, Lecturer, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University

Slides from this presentation - Anderson [PDF:3.5mb]

Do warm feelings, rather than negative feelings, obstruct support for self-determination from support workers? A literature review. Charity Sims-Jenkins, PhD Candidate, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University

Slides from this presentation - Sims-Jenkins [PDF:1.1mb]

FEBRUARY 12, 2020

Frontline Practice Leadership: What it is and how to do it. Dr Lincoln Humphreys, Research Fellow, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University

Slides from this presentation - Humphreys [PDF:4.4mb]

Implementing Frontline Practice in community setting: Examples from Malmo, Sweden. Per Arvidsson, Visting Scholar and Phd Candidate, Malmo University, Sweden.

Slides form this presentation - Arvidsson [PDF:1.4mb]



Sides from this workshop - Clegg [PDF:2.3mb]


Using e-mental health resources together: A qualitative study of consumer and worker experiences in community mental health practice. Ann Williams, PhD Candidate, School of Allied Health, Human Services & Sport, La Trobe University

Slids from this presentation - Williams [PDF:3.7mb]


Developing an evidence-based practice framework to guide support for decision making. Professor Christine Bigby, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University

Slides from this presentation - Bigby [PDF:10.6mb]

Support for decision making: reviewing values and being committed to the rights of people with cognitive disability to decision making support. Dr Elizabeth Smith, Research Fellow, Living with Disability Research Centre, La Trobe University

Slides from this presentation - Smith [PDF:1.5mb]


Recovering through everyday life activities: findings from a Participatory photovoice study with people experiencing mental health issues. Dr Nastaran Doroud, Lecturer Occupational Therapy, La Trobe Rural Health School

Slides from this presentation - Doroud [PDF:13.5mb]

Communication impairment and the working alliance in stroke rehabilitation. Kellie Stagg, Lecturer Speech Pathology, La Trobe Rural Health School and PhD candidate, Living with Disability Research Centre

Slides from this presentation - Stagg [PDF:7.1mb]