Endnote for Researchers

Person typing on a laptop at their desk This session is for researchers and graduate researchers wanting to learn how to use EndNote for reference management.


Thursday 20 February 2025 10.00 am11.45 am (Add to calendar)
La Trobe Library Researcher Education
Presented by:
La Trobe Library Researcher Education
Type of event:
Target audience:
Researcher/Graduate researcher

Learn the fundamentals to using EndNote for reference management.

How to:

  • Create a new desktop and online EndNote library and sync populated libraries
  • Populate the library with references
  • Attach PDFs to references
  • Use EndNote’s Cite While You Write feature to create in-text citations, edit citations, generate a reference list and change output styles
  • Create groups, smart groups and group sets
  • Save and back up a library

The class will run for 75 minutes, with 30 minutes of optional time for questions at the end

Who should attend: La Trobe University staff and graduate research students.

About the Presenter: This session will be facilitated by Senior Research Librarians from the Library Researcher Liaison team.

All queries should be directed to: libraryresearcheducation@latrobe.edu.au

Zoom link - Link will be provided by Outlook calendar invite

Getting started with Zoom - http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/it/software/zoom