Become an author

We offer a range of services so that you can just focus on writing the content. These include:

  • copyediting
  • peer review
  • graphic design
  • copyright and licensing advice
  • promotion and evaluation of impact.

This collaborative approach ensures a high standard of published content for quality learning and teaching.

A clipboard showing a blank list titled Requirements

Acceptance criteria

Our criteria for accepting La Trobe eBureau proposals are:

  • there must be a minimum of one La Trobe University (LTU) lead author
  • the proposed learning and teaching resource will be used for a specific LTU course.

What to expect

  • Initial scoping consultation

    Meet to discuss and scope your goals for the publication.

  • Start planning

    Plan the structure of the publication, identify target audiences, and outline timeline.

  • Begin writing

    Start drafting content and gathering materials.

  • Progress support workshops

    Catch-up regularly with the eBureau team to advance your progress, receive guidance and support, and plan the next steps.

  • Quality assurance

    Submit first draft for peer review and copyediting to ensure high quality, accessibility for all, and copyright compliance.

  • Publish

    Your publication will be published with an ISBN and DOI, and promoted widely.

  • Recognition, reward and evaluation

    Gather impact data and reports to support your grant, award, and promotion applications.

Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI)

If you are considering publishing with eBureau or have some questions about the process, fill in the following form and we'll get in contact.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

(Please provide at least one)