Help finding resources

Information and tips to help you locate items within La Trobe University (LTU) Library's collections.

You can begin your search from the Library Home page, where you can specify some search parameters such as the resource type and location.

View inline tour of the Home page search

Alternatively, you can search directly in the Library collections, where you have the option of performing an advanced search using more specific search criteria.

View inline tour of Library Collections Search

Note: If the inline tour does not begin automatically when you view the pages, select the tour button in the top right of the screen to start it (as described below).

Inline tours of Library Collections Search

When performing different searches or viewing your search results, you will be presented with different screen layouts and options. Select the tour button in the top right of the screen to view helpful information about the options that are available on that particular screen.

Button to start a guided tour on the Library collections site

Search techniques

If you don't know the exact title of an item, you can use these search techniques to either expand or limit your search.

Search techniqueDescription

Type the exact phrase you need in quotation marks.

Example: "teacher education"
Result: This would return items that contain the phrase 'teacher education'.


You can use wildcards as follows:

  1. ? – matches one character.

    Example: ols?n
    Result: This would find 'olsen' and 'olson'.

  2. * – matches zero or more characters within or at the end of a word.

    Example: ch*ter
    Result: This would find 'charter', 'character' and 'chapter'.

    Example: temp*
    Result: This would find 'temptation', 'temple' and 'temporary'.

Note: Any wildcard at the start of the term is ignored. For example, searching for '*pen' is the same as searching for 'pen'.

Boolean operators

You can use boolean operators as follows:

  1. Use OR between keywords to find items containing either term.

    Example: "teacher education" OR "education training"
    Result: This would find items containing either of those phrases.

  2. Use AND between keywords to find items containing both keywords.

    Example: psychology AND adolescence
    Result: This would find items containing both 'psychology' and 'adolescence'.

  3. Use NOT between keywords to exclude items.

    Example: animal NOT dog
    Result: This would find items that contain 'animal' but exclude items that contain 'dog'.

Note: Boolean operators must be entered in capitals (e.g. 'AND' instead of 'and').

Refine your search results

If your search has returned many results, you can apply filters (such as 'Peer-reviewed' and 'Location') to narrow down your search. You can also 'Search beyond our collection' to include results from other libraries.

Filters for search results in Primo

Note: When viewed on a mobile, you will need to select the filter icon (The icon to show the filters in Primo) to view these filters, otherwise, they are shown alongside the search results.

To find an item on the shelf, you need its call number. If you already know its call number, refer to step 4.

Note: The same titles may have different call numbers in different libraries.

  • Search for the item you want in the Library collections.
    Note: If the item is not listed in the search results, we may not have it in our collections. However, you may be able to request it from an external (non-LTU) library.

  • After selecting the item from the search results and viewing its details, check the section titled 'Get it'.

    If the Library holds physical copies of the item, its location(s) will be listed along with the item's call number.
    Note: If the item is located at a different location than the campus library you're at, you will need to request the item.

    Item call numbers shown on the Library collections site

  • Take note of the item's full call number (e.g. 123.456 A123) at your library, which is what you will use to locate the item.

  • Items are shelved in ascending order of their call numbers. Check shelving signage or nearby books' call numbers to track down the shelf that holds your item.
    Note: The call number is based on the Dewey Decimal classification, which groups items by subject. So, once you locate the item, the neighbouring titles on the shelf may also be relevant to your subject.

The Library has an extensive range of electronic books (i.e. eBooks) for use. You can find them by searching the Library collections or use the Library Databases Search to look for specific collections.

Please note:

  • if you are prompted to log in to access the eBook, use your LTU username and password
  • you cannot download an eBook onto a Library computer, but most can be downloaded to your own device
  • downloaded eBooks are usually only available for a set period of time (i.e. the loan period)
  • you may need special software to read an eBook – we recommend Adobe Digital Editions (which does require an Adobe ID).

Our eBook help guide provides additional information on accessing and downloading books to your device.

Most subjects have a reading list with required and recommended reading. If you cannot access these readings online, you can find them in our Library collections.

Note: High-demand items are available as 3-hour or 7-day loans.

The process of finding a physical item on your reading list is described below.

  • Go to the Reading Lists site, search for your subject by code or name and select it.

  • Select an item in your reading list to view its availability in the Library.
    Note: If a digital copy of the item is available, you will be able to select a 'View online' button to view the resource in your browser.

  • If the item is available at your location, take note of its call number (e.g. 123.456 A123) and check if it's available on the shelf.

    Call number of an item in a reading list

    If the item is not available at your location, select the 'Copy on-loan' or 'Copy available'  button to view its listing in the Library collections. There, you can place a request for the item.

    Link to Library collections site for an item in a reading list

Databases gather articles from journals, magazines, newspapers and books, usually for a specific subject.

You can find them by searching the Library collections or use the Library Databases Search to look for specific databases.

Alumni databases

To view the databases available for LTU Alumni, select the 'La Trobe Alumni' database category on the Library databases page.

La Trobe College databases

To view the databases available for La Trobe College Australia students and academic staff, select the 'La Trobe College' database category on the Library databases page.

Past exam papers are no longer available via the Library.

You may, however, speak to your relevant academic staff for information on receiving past exam papers via the Learning Management System (LMS).

Finding other resources and using other tools

For information on finding other resources, such as datasets, theses and images, as well as searching with Google Scholar and using generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), refer to our 'Finding information' help guides.