About us

We are committed to supporting the University in its aspiration to be 'the difference' in the lives of its students, staff and visitors. We do this through planning, creating, and delivering modern infrastructure for the University and providing a full range of services that make La Trobe a lively, connected, safe and attractive environment in which to learn and work.

Our vision

Infrastructure and Operations will proactively lead, manage and support the University's property portfolio through planning and capital works, operations and maintenance to maximise their effective use. We will provide best practice support to enable the University's strategic plan by enhancing teaching, research, residential and other business activities and assets.

Click here to view our Service Statement.

Our departments

Infrastructure & Operations Group comprises of 6 departments:

ISO Accredited

Infrastructure and Operations was the first department in a Victorian University to be certified in three ISO standards. ISO, or the International Standards Organisation, develops and publishes international standards for products, services and systems across a range of industries to make sure they are safe, reliable and of good quality.

I&O has been certified in three ISO standards:

  • ISO 9001 - Quality
  • ISO 14001 - Environmental
  • ISO 45001 - Occupational Health & Safety

This means that I&O have developed and implemented management system and business processes in line with international standards for quality management, OHS and environmental management. These standards incorporate the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle and are supported by regular compliance and risk assessments, internal audits and regular reporting against key objectives.

I&O are proud of these certifications and are committed to continuously monitoring our processes, products and services to improve our quality, environmental and OH&S performance.