Information for agents

If you're a La Trobe authorised agent, this is where you can update your information, learn how to claim your commission, and get in touch with us. If you're interested in becoming an authorised La Trobe agent, you can also find out how to join our team.

Information for existing agents

You will need to let us know if your contact details have changed.

Update my details now

It’s our policy that commission invoices are processed and paid after the census date each semester. If you have any questions about our commission payment process, please email

The commission paid will be based on the tuition fees listed on the Offer Letter at the time of commencement.

From 14 April 2025 a new automated commissions process will be in place. This new process will provide you with a complete list of your valid enrolments for each intake, thereby reducing the potential for errors, investigations and potential delays to payment.

  • The new automated process will calculate and send commission entitlements for all agents approx. 2 weeks after the census date for each intake.
  • These entitlements will be sent to the dedicated finance email address we have on file for your agency.
  • Commission entitlements for Semester 1 2025 will be payable in two instalments for students who have reached the minimum enrolment threshold of 45 credit points for a semester (or two terms) or who have reached 90 credit points for a full year course.
  • For commission entitlement claims for students who commenced prior to November 2024, they will have to meet the minimum enrolment threshold of 60 credit points for a semester (or two terms) or have reached 120 credit points for a full year course for commission to be payable.
  • Invoices must be received within 60 days of receipt of the entitlement list, otherwise, this will be considered as a late claim. As per our agent agreement terms, La Trobe University is not required to pay any invoice submitted later than 60 days after Census Date.
  • What you need to do:

  • Use the information received to submit your invoices for payment. No changes are required to existing invoice formats.
  • All invoices need to be in PDF format.
  • Where applicable, please send one invoice for a complete list of students (instead of separate invoices for each student), as this causes delays with the review, approval and payment of invoices.
  • If the invoice is a tax invoice, it must contain the words 'tax invoice', include the ABN of the Agent (or equivalent) and show the amount of GST payable (where applicable) as a separate amount.
  • All invoices paid to Indian bank accounts need to include the entity’s GSTIN, PAN and IFSC numbers, for compliance purposes.
  • On receipt of the invoice, La Trobe's automated system will scan the invoice details and process payment where a valid claim is confirmed. Our team of dedicated experts is available to assist and resolve any potential issues quickly.

Prior to this new process you will need to submit two invoices for each student:

  • First-semester commission instalment invoice to be submitted after Census Date for xx% of one-semester tuition fees as per Offer Letter*
  • Second-semester instalment invoice to be submitted after Census Date for xx% of one-semester tuition fees as per Offer Letter*

*The Offer Letter lists annual tuition fees. To calculate the semester-based tuition fee you can divide the annual fee by two to determine the semester-based fee.

Please email your commission invoice to within 60 days of the census date. We’ll process your invoices promptly after census date and then forward them to central finance for payment within 90 days after the census date.

Your invoice should include all students for the relevant intake. At minimum, your invoice needs to be on your company letterhead and should include:

  • student name
  • student ID number (this is different to the application ID)
  • course and start date
  • tuition fee
  • commission percentage rate
  • commission fee
  • complete current banking details. This needs to be the same account that was originally registered with our Vendors team. If you need to update your bank account details, please contact to avoid a delay in processing invoices.

Please note commission is payable on first-year tuition fees only.

Download a sample invoice [PDF 217.4 KB]

Get in touch with us

Contact a Regional Director or Manager for your region or country. For all international admissions enquiries please contact one of our staff representatives below.

Chat with us and find out about study options, entry requirements, La Trobe scholarships, our campus facilities and life in Australia.

For any questions or issues, La Trobe agents can call us during regular business hours.

In-country staff details

Country or region Regional manager Visit us

Ivy Xu 许邦琼
Regional Director, Greater China 大中华区总监
T: +8613602798377

Suite 3206-7, 32/F Office Building, CITIC Plaza No. 233 Tianhe N. Road, Guangzhou 510620, P.R. China

Thomas Yu 尉磊
Regional Manager, Greater China 中国区域经理
T: +86 1357 055 2779 (微信)

Suite 3206-7, 32/F Office Building, CITIC Plaza No. 233 Tianhe N. Road, Guangzhou 510620, P.R. China

Olivia Wu 伍漪芸
Regional Manager, Greater China 中国区域经理
T: +86 1770 8077 885

Suite 3209, BaiYang Plaza, No.18 Dongyu Street, Chengdu, Jinjiang District, Sichuan Province, P.R. China

Lizzy He
Regional Manager, North China
T: +86 1355 2409 790

Unit 08, Floor 12, Tower C, Office Park, No. 5 of Jinghua South Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Sid Liu 刘颖
Regional Manager, Greater China 中国区域经理
T: +86 181 1615 0066

Rm 3101 No 580 Nanjing Rd W Shanghai 上海市静安区南京西路580号仲益大厦3101室

China country-specific email address

You can also send your enquiries to us using the appropriate country-specific email address:

East AsiaChristopher Piwarski
Regional Director, East Asia

Quang Luong
Senior Recruitment Manager, Vietnam & Philippines
T: +84 325 655 121

Dung Pham
Recruitment Manager, Vietnam & Cambodia
T: +84 96 104 7138

Linh Tran
Recruitment Manager
M: +84 707 111 737

The Hive, District 1, 26 Huynh Khuong Ninh, District 1

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

East Asia country-specific email address

You can also send your enquiries to us using the appropriate country-specific email address:

Europe and The Americas

Bri Gunn
Associate Director, International Recruitment
M: +61 448 119 815


South Asia and Africa

Amit Malhotra
Regional Director
T: +91 11 4360 4613
T: +91 11 4505 4613

Piyush Wahi
Senior Regional Manager
T: +91 11 43604613

Sandeep Thakur
T: +91 11 43604613

201, Level 2 Galleria Mall (DLF), Mayur Vihar Phase 1
Extension, Delhi 110091

Region-specific email address:

You can also send your enquiries to us using the appropriate region-specific email address:

Middle East and North Africa

Christopher Piwarski
Regional Director, Middle East & North Africa

Remmyatha Varghese
Senior Regional Manager, Middle East & North Africa


Region-specific email address:

You can also send your enquiries to us using the appropriate region-specific email address:

Australia (onshore international students) and Oceania

Chang Liu
Senior Coordinator, International Recruitment
T: +61 3 9479 5296
M:+61 419 560 682


Other enquiries

Enquiry areas

Contact details

Study abroad programs

Recruitment & Application Enquiries (for agents)

General Enquiries (for students)

Submit an online enquiry form

For any admissions related enquiries, please contact:



New applications and enquiries

Application enquiries excluding South Asia and Africa

Application enquiries from South Asia and Africa

Incoming study abroad

Postgraduate research

Pathway programs and transnational education

Please get in touch if you have any questions about La Trobe Study Abroad options, including outbound and inbound mobility.

Study abroad from partner universities

Study abroad from agents and direct applicants (non-partner universities)Submit an online enquiry form

Become an authorised La Trobe agent

If you’re interested in becoming an authorised La Trobe agent, you will need to submit an expression of interest to including details of all Australian institutions that you currently work along with your company profile and website.