Safety at La Trobe

We want to make sure all our students are safe and secure while studying with us. That’s why we offer a range of on-campus safety services and dedicated security. Here are some ways we are keeping you safe during your studies with us.

On-campus services

At La Trobe, we take safety seriously for all our international students studying and living with us.

Our on-campus accommodation services offer secured access and 24-7 security, so students can settle comfortably into their new home.

We also offer a special after-hours telephone hotline for international students at La Trobe University and a 24-hour emergency hotline.

The University also offers a range of on-campus facilities, such as an Indoor Sports Facility and shops to ensure students can access dedicated services without travelling far from campus.

Uni-Safe service

Through the Uni-Safe service, our dedicated security officers are available to escort students to their campus building, car pack, on-campus accommodation and local public transport.

Students can request a pick-up from anywhere on campus and be dropped off anywhere on campus. Security officers typically take 5 to 10 minutes to arrive but may take up to 15 to 30 minutes during peak times.

Uni-Safe Services is free to all students at La Trobe.

Glider: Melbourne Campus Bus

Our free Glider bus service at the Melbourne Campus provides pick-up and drop-off services, ensuring that students can get around the campus safely and with ease.

Learn more about our campuses