The University’s Travel Insurance provides cover for staff and students whilst travelling both domestically and internationally for approved University travel.
The policy responds to unforeseen accidents, losses, and additional expenses for approved travel to destinations 50km or more student’s main campus or residence. The policy includes cover for, but not limited to; emergency medical expenses and evacuation, cancellation/curtailment expenses, and loss of personal effects/travel documents.
Staff travel
Please refer to the staff intranet for information relating to domestic and international travel insurance.
Student travel
When am I covered?
All undergraduate & postgraduate students and their accompanying Spouse/Partner* and/or Dependent children* are covered whilst travelling for University approved business.
The Insurance provides coverage to destinations 50km or more from the student’s main campus or residence. The maximum duration of any one trip is 365 days.
Coverage includes Incidental Private Travel which means private travel taken either side of, or during an approved University trip. However, the duration of incidental private travel must not exceed the duration of business travel.
*Dependent Children means under 19 years of age, or under 25 years of age while they are full-time students, and primarily dependent upon the Covered Person for maintenance and support
*Spouse/Partnermeans a husband or wife and includes de-facto and/or life partner with whom the Covered Person has continuously lived with for a period of three (3) months or more
When am I not covered?
DFAT 4 Destinations
Cover is excluded for travel to DFAT level 4 destinations due to the increased likelihood of injury. You must check the DFAT rating of every planned destination prior to travel at
Pre-existing medical conditions
The policy does not provide cover for pre-existing conditions unless you:
have a ‘fit to travel’ certificate from your treating doctor stating it would be unexpected for any treatment to be required while travelling
Activities with a substantially increased risk of injury
The policy will not provide cover when engaged in:
flying/aerial activities other than as a passenger in an aircraft
training for or participating in professional sport
participating in adventurous activities without the use of a professional guide, such as mountaineering, white-water rafting or off-piste winter sports amongst others.
Coverage for COVID-19 related claims are excluded, except for when;
the covered person contracts COVID-19 and is directed by a health authority to quarantine.
If your travel is disrupted by COVID-19, including sudden border closures, and you have neither contracted COVID-19 nor received a health authority order to quarantine, you will not be covered by insurance.
What am I covered for?
Your Travel Insurance has 15 sections. The 2 most frequently claimed are highlighted below.
Reimbursement for medical, evacuation, and additional reasonable expenses following a bodily injury or sickness. Examples include expenses for hospital, surgical or other diagnostic or remedial treatments.
Reimbursement for the non-refundable or unused portion of forfeited Travel Expenses paid in advance; or any necessarily incurred reasonable additional expenses as a result of unforeseen circumstance outside your control preventing you from either commencing or continuing a Journey
Section 7 –Baggage and Travel Documents -$5,000
Reimbursement for loss of, theft of or damage to certain items of Baggage, Business Property, Electronic Equipment, Money, or Travel Documents whilst on a Journey. Cover also includes reimbursement for the essential replacement of clothing and toiletries in instances where baggage is delayed, misdirected or temporarily mislaid by the transport carrier for more than eight (8) consecutive hours. In the event of theft, it must be reported to local authorities as soon as practicable and evidenced by police report from country of occurrence.
Policy Section
Personal Accident and Sickness
Medical, Evacuation and Additional Expenses
Cancellation and Disruption Expenses
Loss of baggage and business property
Electronic Equipment
Money and Travel Documents
Personal Legal Liability
Evacuation, Search & Rescue Expenses
Rental Vehicle Excess
What do I do in an emergency?
If concerned about your immediate health or safety, call local emergency services, equivalent of Australia’s 000 – These numbers should be saved in your phone
Also available is Zurich Assist, a 24-Hour Emergency Referral Service.
Call +61 2 8907 5671 and quote your policy number: 33-2351790-ZCT for the following services:
Emergency Medical Consultation and Support: Medical practitioners specialising in emergency medicine are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide you with medical support when the need arises.
24-Hour Medical Referral: Assistance with referral to a hospital or medical facility, dentist, physician or pharmacy.
Evacuation Service:If an evacuation is necessary, we’ll make all the arrangements to repatriate you.
Guarantee of Hospital/Medical Expenses:If you become hospitalised, we’ll forward a letter of guarantee to the hospital covering all reasonable charges in relation to the hospitalisation.
Lost Document and Ticket Replacement Assistance:If your travel ticket, passport or visa is lost or stolen while travelling, we’ll assist in locating or replacing and forwarding the document(s) to you
Consular Referral/Liaison:If requested, we’ll contact the local police, diplomatic contacts and/or airline personnel to assist you in finding your lost item(s).
How do I Claim?
Unless your claim involves inpatient hospital services or other substantial expenses, claims are paid by reimbursement, no up-front payment.
Please collect and keep all documents relating to your claim (this may include medical reports, lost baggage correspondence, police reports, and receipts)
Claims can be lodged with the University’s Insurance Office or directly through our insurer Zurich, via Email: or Phone: +61 2 8256 1770 quoting Policy number: 33-2351790-ZCT
How do I get confirmation of insurance for Visa application purposes?
The travel insurance Certificate of Currency and Policy wording is available on the internet.
The Insurance Office can provide an additional letter for travellers who require confirmation of insurance for their international visa application. If required, please provide a copy of your itinerary to the Insurance Office advising that you require a Visa Application Letter.