About La Trobe University City

A city born from a university where people, place and culture converge, and lives are transformed.

La Trobe University has an ambitious vision to transform its Melbourne (Bundoora) campus into a dynamic and vibrant centre of innovation, knowledge and sustainability, that drives collaboration and shared social value, enriches community life, and stimulates economic prosperity through impact.

The unique green environment provides a welcoming place for people from diverse backgrounds to connect – to learn, live, work and thrive, creating a better future.

La Trobe University City will create:

  • 20,000+ new jobs over ten years
  • Education facilities for 40,000+ students
  • Additional housing for 12,000 students, staff and private residents
  • $3.5 billion in Gross Regional Product (GRP) over the next ten years.
Health & Wellbeing

Health & Wellbeing

A major Health and Wellbeing Hub will improve access to health services and include a private hospital, aged care facilities and additional childcare.

Sport & Recreation

Sport & Recreation

A world-class Sports Park for teaching, research, community participation and elite sport.

Research & Innovation

Research & Innovation

A dynamic Research and Innovation Cluster focussing on our world-class strengths in: Agriculture, Food and Environment; Health and Wellbeing; Digital Technology and Transformation.

Local Living

Local Living

New and improved housing will be home to students, staff and private residents across walkable neighbourhoods.

An Activated Place for People

An Activated Place for People

New commercial and activity hubs, retail and cultural offerings, and green open spaces, along with a variety of services and quality amenities offer new lifestyle experiences for people who learn, live, work and visit.

Campus Core

Campus Core

The heart of the campus will serve as a focal point for the University and the local community to connect with each other and the wider world.

Nangak Tamboree

Nangak Tamboree

Our biodiverse waterway and green spaces will be protected and enhanced for students and the community to enjoy.

See our progress





  • Bio Innovation Hub and Digital Innovation Hub announced
  • Stage 3 of the Sports Park is announced


  • Healthscope announced to redevelop La Trobe Private Hospital
  • La Trobe announces Plenary as our preferred Master Development Partner
  • We heard from our local community, staff and students about what they like about our campus, the different spaces and facilities they us, and how we can improve the campus to benefit the wider community. You can read a summary of this feedback, which is helping us develop an updated master plan that will set out how the campus can grow to achieve our vision.