Code Orange: Evacuation

Code orange is when evacuation is required. Always follow evacuation procedures.


  • Assess the risk and act accordingly. Do not put yourself in danger
  • In the event of a gas leak, or chemical spillage do not handle. Only those trained personnel (Emergency Services) should have access to remediating the issue (Refer Code Yellow)

Raise Alarm

  • Notify Campus Security on (03) 9479 2222
  • If an evacuation is required push the nearest Break Glass Alarm to activate the evacuation tone. The system will automatically notify the Emergency Services and Campus Security.


  • If safe to do so, immediately assist/evacuate all affected personnel to the designated areas identified by the Wardens or Emergency Services personnel
  • Restrict entrance to danger zone and shut doors if possible
  • Walk quickly and calmly closing doors and windows behind you if safe to do so
  • Do not use lifts
  • Check all rooms, especially change rooms, toilets, meeting rooms and storage areas
  • Report to the Facility Warden when your floor has been evacuated
  • Do not return to the building until the Warden/Security/Emergency Services has declared that it is safe to do so
  • Find alternative assembly area to be used if weather conditions create further hazards

Evacuation procedure for Person with a Disability