Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences partnerships
The Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences partners with a range of national and international organisations to make advances in education and research.
Together we are shaping the future of the disciplines, ensuring that the mathematical and physical sciences contribute to the dynamic and technologically driven environments of industry, business and health.
Our students are technically trained, industry focused and job ready. We also support, and advocate for, mathematics as a key component of the education curriculum at all levels, from primary and secondary, to tertiary.
Our key partners include:
The Department is a founding member and Joint Venture Partner of the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute, the peak body representing mathematics research, engagement and education in Australia.
Our membership provides students with a range of opportunities, including winter and summer schools, and summer vacation research scholarships.
The Department works in collaboration with the Institute to produce the MathsAdds Careers Guide, featuring job advertisements and profiles that showcase opportunities for graduates. The partnership also allows us to contribute to strategic directions for mathematics, both nationally and internationally.
La Trobe is a member of the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF), a National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy-funded network of eight nodes spanning 21 sites in Australia. ANFF provides researchers and industry with open access to training, consultancy and a portfolio of 500+ state-of-the art micro and nanofabrication capabilities.
La Trobe’s Centre for Materials and Surface Science is a satellite capability Hub of the Australian National Fabrication Facility’s Victorian Node, providing access to world-class surface and materials characterisation methods supported by leading machine learning and data analytics expertise.
We are partnering with the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation and the Australian National Fabrication Facility to develop an advanced X-ray nanolithography platform for the fabrication of future electronics, optoelectronics, photonics, and information technologies.
Our physicists have also led the development of coherent X-ray imaging and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation’s Australian Synchrotron. The Australian Synchrotron hosts two end stations conceived and built by La Trobe researchers.
La Trobe is also a funding partner in the BRIGHT program to build eight new beamlines at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation’s Australian Synchrotron.
Our researchers collaborate with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation on a range of projects in manufacturing, materials science and machine learning. Collaborations include a joint PhD program.
Work Based Learning is a feature of our Master of Data Science. Students gain practical experience in a range of industries – from science to finance – where the questions are not always clear cut and solutions need to be built from the basics learned in class.
A range of industry partners, including our Centre for Technology Infusion, provide students with hands-on work experience that complements the technical and theoretical learning undertaken in class, and enhances their career prospects.
Our researchers collaborate with the Defence Science and Technology Group on a range of projects in manufacturing, materials science and engineering.
La Trobe is a founding member of the international Serial Femtosecond Crystallography consortium, which supports molecular imaging experiments at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (EuXFEL).
The first Australian university to invest in the more than A$2 billion facility, La Trobe is ideally positioned to lead the nation’s engagement in the international atomic scale molecular imaging program.
Working at the forefront of X-ray physics, structural biology and chemistry, our researchers have access to cutting-edge X-ray technology for generating molecular movies at the EuXFEL.
The partnership is supported by a joint PhD program which provides our students with an opportunity to study at the EuXFEL in Hamburg, Germany. It has resulted in high-impact collaborative publications in journals including Nature Methods and Nature Communications.
The Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences hosts the Australia Branch of Kyushu University’s Institute of Mathematics for Industry.
Opened in 2015, this partnership supports collaborative research between Japan and Australia in the mathematical sciences. It provides researchers and students with exchange opportunities and knowledge advancement via access to joint subjects, seminars and workshops.
Quantum Brilliance is a venture-backed, Australian-German quantum computing hardware company that provides diamond quantum accelerators supported by a range of software and application tools.
We are partnering with Quantum Brilliance to develop an atomically-precise technique for manufacturing diamond quantum microprocessors, creating new capabilities in precision diamond growth, atom-scale engineering and surface chemistry.