About us

Located in Melbourne, the Confucius Institute at La Trobe University was established in November 2011. Our Institute is operated in partnership with Chongqing University–one of the top 39 key national universities in China. With a strong focus on the promotion of Chinese language and culture in northern Melbourne and regional Victoria, we offer a wide range of teaching, study tours, scholarships and cultural activities for students, staff and community.


Our mission is to promote Chinese language and culture, and to encourage the development of innovative approaches to teaching and learning related to Chinese language and culture.


The Confucius Institute is a joint effort by La Trobe University and  Chongqing University from China.

Key Activities

  • Provision of general and customised Chinese language courses,
  • Provision of training courses for teachers who would like to teach Chinese,
  • Organisation of scholarships and in-country travel programs,
  • Organisation of cultural activities to promote cross-cultural awareness and appreciation,
  • Organisation and promotion of cross-cultural related seminars and workshops,
  • Development of new teaching materials and methods for Chinese teaching and learning