Co-producing Cochrane reviews on partnering for person-centred care

Person-centred care was identified as a priority topic for Cochrane Consumers and Communication Reviews in 2016.

This project involves co-producing Cochrane qualitative evidence synthesis and systematic review of interventions examining partnering with consumers at the governance level to promote person-centred healthcare organisations.

The Stakeholder Advisory Panel working with us to co-produce the review includes consumers, healthcare providers and policymakers. A second Cochrane Review, also with stakeholder input, is investigating the effectiveness of interventions for partnering at the governance level to promote person-centred healthcare organisations.

Both reviews were completed by 2023, and knowledge translation activities to support the implementation of the findings into practice are currently underway. For more information, contact Dr Bronwen Merner:

Research team

Stakeholder Advisory Panel

There is an 18-member Stakeholder Advisory Panel with members from around Australia. It includes six people with consumer and carer expertise, as well as members with health service, quality improvement, clinical and policy expertise.


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