About the Baker Department of Cardiovascular Research, Translation and Implementation

The Baker Department of Cardiovascular Research, Translation and Implementation brings together world class researchers from La Trobe University and the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute.

We are part of La Trobe's School of Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environment.

Our goal is to better understand who is at risk of cardiovascular and cardiometabolic disease, to identify the molecular pathways underpinning that risk, and to use this information to develop strategies for prevention and treatment.

Our unique partnership harnesses the research strengths, resources and facilities of both organisations to optimise the scope, volume and quality of cardiovascular, diabetes and related research.

It broadens access to health services and research networks and enhances interdisciplinary research collaboration.

The result: innovative new science that translates into improved outcomes for patients.

We also offer postgraduate opportunities through our Honours, Masters and PhD programs, in areas spanning fundamental science using preclinical models, clinical studies, epidemiological and public health studies.

Photo of Professor Peter Meikle

The Baker Department of Cardiovascular Research, Translation and Implementation provides a unique opportunity to build a collaborative base that strengthens our science, and accelerates translation of our research to improve the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve.

Professor Peter Meikle
Head, Baker Department of Cardiovascular Research, Translation and Implementation

Research with impact

Our researchers are experts in cardiovascular disease, diabetes and public health research. Together, we are translating our discoveries into practice, policy and education.

Our research is supported by state-of-the-art platform technologies in lipidomics, proteomics, single-cell profiling, genomics and bioinformatics.

It aligns with La Trobe’s research themes: Understanding and preventing disease and Healthy people, families and communities.

Our research agenda is grouped into three key areas:

Our researchers are identifying new and improved ways of preventing, diagnosing and treating heart disease and diabetes, and their complications. The goal is to enhance health, reduce disability, improve quality of life and address health disparities.

Our scientists are designing new diagnostic, preventative and therapeutic strategies to tackle cardiovascular disease, diabetes and its complications. They are working to understand the cellular mechanisms of disease, biomarkers in the progression of disease and the pathways of gene expression.

Our researchers are examining the trends in diabetes and obesity prevalence and incidence, risk factors at a population level, and new therapeutic approaches to prevent and treat diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

Training future researchers

Our graduate researchers learn from world class experts in world class facilities.

We offer postgraduate opportunities through our Honours, Masters and PhD programs, where students undertake projects under the direction of a specialised team of researchers who are making a real difference to human health.

Our students work alongside researchers, in scientific laboratories or research units that are closely connected with clinical facilities and focus on the translation of findings into improved health outcomes.

They are well supported and recognised by dedicated awards, funding opportunities and a student committee, all designed to enhance the learning experience.