Nominate alumni for awards

At La Trobe University we take great pride in recognising the exceptional achievements of our alumni. It is inspiring to see so many La Trobe graduates making lasting contributions on a local, national and global level.

Each year we present a select number of Distinguished Alumni and Young Achiever awards to those who have demonstrated significant personal, community and professional achievements.

2024 recipients

The 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients include

La Trobe is also thrilled to recognise the success of our 2024 Young Achiever Award recipient:

  • Akuch Kuol Anyieth, a former refugee turned academic and an advocate for her community in Australia.

Nominations for the 2025 Distinguished Alumni Awards are now closed.
If you have any questions about the process, please contact

Distinguished Alumni Award

The Distinguished Alumni Award recognises La Trobe University alumni who have demonstrated significant accomplishments in their personal and professional life, or for service to their community, state or nation.

Eligibility and selection criteria

Nominees must be an alumnus or alumna of La Trobe University (or an antecedent institution) who have, over an extensive and sustained period of time, demonstrated professional or personal success in all four of the following areas:

Outstanding professional achievements

a. Recognised as a leader/expert in their field.
b. Significant achievement(s) throughout their career.
c. Evidence of ethical and/or innovative sustainable approaches used.

Significant community service achievements

a. Support of, and significant involvement in, the local community in a voluntary capacity.
b. Dedication of significant personal/professional time for charitable/community support activities.

Inspirational leadership within their fields of expertise

a. Mentoring employees/younger people inside or outside their organisation.
b. Advocacy of access and diversity within their organisations and across their field.
c. Encouraging corporate philanthropy and community support.
d. Providing leadership within and across their respective industries.

Outstanding personal qualities

a. Engaging in, or enabling personal philanthropy.
b. Providing inspiration and leadership to others through personal examples and role modelling.
c. Success in the face of adversity.

Young Achiever Award

The Young Achiever Award recognises outstanding alumni aged 35 years or younger. It is awarded to those who have achieved significant career success within a relatively short period of time.

Eligibility and selection criteria

Nominees must be an alumnus or alumna of La Trobe University (or an antecedent institution) who have demonstrated professional or personal success in ALL FOUR of the following areas:

Outstanding professional achievements

a. Recognised as a leader/expert in their field.
b. Significant achievement(s) throughout their career.
c. Evidence of ethical and/or innovative sustainable approaches used.

Significant community service achievements

a. Support of, and significant involvement in, the local community in a voluntary capacity.
b. Dedication of significant personal/professional time for charitable/community support activities.

Inspirational leadership within their fields of expertise

a. Mentoring employees/younger people inside or outside their organisation.
b. Advocacy of access and diversity within their organisations and across their field.
c. Encouraging corporate philanthropy and community support.
d. Providing leadership within and across their respective industries.

Outstanding personal qualities

a. Engaging in, or enabling personal philanthropy.
b. Providing inspiration and leadership to others through personal examples and role modelling.
c. Success in the face of adversity.

La Trobe University has established a Selection Committee which will consider all nominations received by the advertised closing date. Please note that under no circumstances will late applications be accepted.

The Selection Committee is Chaired by either the Chancellor, Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research and Industry Engagement) or the Provost, who is assisted by a number of senior La Trobe staff.

The Selection Committee will rank all nominations against the above nomination criteria and make a recommendation to the La Trobe University Council for endorsement.

In exceptional circumstances, when the traditional Distinguished Alumni Award and Young Alumni Award are not suitable, nominations will be considered for a Chancellor's Award. Nominations will be reviewed by the Selection Committee as part of the usual Awards process, using the existing criteria.

Once approved by Council, the successful candidates and their nominators will be informed.


The information submitted will be used by La Trobe University in connection with the administration of the award only. All information will remain confidential.

Nominations are open to all alumni, no matter where in the world they are based.

If you have any questions regarding the process or the awards themselves, please contact us.

Alumni and Advancement Office - T: 1300 737 133 or +61 (0)3 9479 2011
