
Person-Centred Care Assessment Tool (P-CAT)

The 13-item P-CAT assesses the extent to which staff in residential aged care perceive the care provided as being person-centred. The P-CAT consists of three subscales covering the following dimensions of person-centredness: extent of personalising care; amount of organisational support; and degree of environmental accessibility.

P-CAT Notes [PDF 144KB]
P-CAT Questions [PDF 188KB]

The Tool for Understanding Residents’ Needs as Individual Persons (THE TURNIP)

This tool assists facilities to assess the person-centredness of their service. The tool contains 39 statements about five domains central to person-centred care.


Sexuality Assessment Tool (SexAT)

This tool measures how well residential aged care facilities support the expression of sexuality of residents, both with and without dementia.

DCRC Sexuality Assessment Tool [PDF 2.44MB]

Pain in Older Adults Knowledge Survey (POAKS)

The 24-item POAKS measures the knowledge of nursing and care staff about the experience, assessment and management of pain in older people (including people with dementia).

POAKS Notes [PDF 129KB]
POAKS Questions [PDF 184KB]

Family and Staff Relationship Attitude Tool (FASRAT)

The 26-item FASRAT measures the attitudes and beliefs of residential aged care staff towards staff-family relationships.

FASRAT Notes [PDF 148KB]
FASRAT Questions [PDF 192KB]

Family and Staff Relationship Implementation Tool (FASRIT)

The 25-item FASRIT measures the extent to which a range of practices and behaviours related to staff-family relationships are present in an aged care facility.

FASRIT Notes [PDF 133KB]
FASRIT Questions [PDF 190KB]

Carer Controlled Health Record

This Carer Controlled Health Record aims to help communicate information about the person you support to all relevant health professionals in hospital. It will also enable you to obtain information, participate in decision-making and prepare for care after hospital.

Full version of the Carer Controlled Health Record - Digital / Editable version [PDF 1.07MB]
(Please download and open with Adobe to view and use the editable version).

AIPCA Carer Controlled Health Record [PDF 800KB]
This is the Carer Controlled Health Record in full – it includes all parts as well as the cover page, contents page and an introduction.

Book Parts

AIPCA Carer Controlled Health Record Part A [PDF 138KB]
Part A contains information about Carer Details, My Role as the Carer, General Information About the Person I Support, Communication Care Needs and Physical Care Needs.

AIPCA Carer Controlled Health Record Part B [PDF 172KB]
Part B will help keep you up-to-date about hospital care and what needs to happen after the person you support leaves hospital. Some of the information in this section may be in the My Health Record if the person you support has one.

AIPCA Carer Controlled Health Book Part C [PDF 136KB]
Part C will provide you with carer resources.

Standardised Care Processes

A series of evidence-based Standardised Care Processes (SCPs) have been developed for important areas of resident care.

There are now 17 SCPs available to access and they cover the key areas of clinical risk:

  1. Choking [PDF 88KB]
  2. Constipation [PDF 90KB]
  3. Dehydration [PDF 124KB]
  4. Delirium [PDF 90KB]
  5. Depression [PDF 88KB]
  6. End of Life/Palliative Care [PDF 108KB]
  7. Falls [PDF 105KB]
  8. Hypoglycaemia [PDF 97KB]
  9. Incontinence [PDF 117KB]
  10. Oral and Dental Hygiene [PDF 85KB]
  11. Pain [PDF 89KB]
  12. Physical Restraint [PDF 79KB]
  13. Polypharmacy [PDF 91KB]
  14. Pressure Injuries [PDF 114KB]
  15. Skin Tears [PDF 100KB]
  16. Sleep [PDF 98KB]
  17. Unplanned Weight Loss [PDF 95KB]

SCP Summary Flyer [PDF 187KB]

Sexuality and people in residential aged care facilities

The information in this booklet provides information to partners and families of a person living in residential aged care understand about sexuality, what it means, and how and why it might still be important to older people.

A guide for partners and families [PDF 884KB]

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How to support everyday decision-making for people living with dementia in residential aged care

This booklet has been written to help care workers understand why it is important for you to support people with dementia make everyday decisions.

A guide for care workers [PDF 694KB]

Order booklet

Strengthening Care Outcomes for Residents with Evidence (SCORE)

The SCPs were originally developed and piloted through the Strengthening Care Outcomes for Residents with Evidence (SCORE) initiative. The SCORE summary report explains the process for developing the SCPs as well as the organisational requirements for implementation.

Strengthening Care Outcomes for Residents with Evidence (SCORE) [PDF 138KB]

Supporting families and friends of older people living in residential aged care

The information in this brochure provides information about staff/family relationships in residential aged care.

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