
La Trobe University's Academic Board consists of approximately 100 members and is governed by the La Trobe University ActAcademic Board Statute and Academic Board Regulations.

Membership includes senior leaders of the University, elected academic and professional staff, the Presidents of the student bodies and elected student members.

General documents



The Chair of Academic Board is Professor Carol McKinstry, who commenced her term of office in February 2024. Professor McKinstry is a Professor of Occupational Therapy and Deputy Dean of the Rural Health School.

Professor McKinstry, as Chair of Academic Board, is an ex officio member of Council and the following Council Committees:

  • Estates Development and Infrastructure Committee
  • Finance and Resources Committee
  • Recovery and Reset Committee

Deputy Chair

The Deputy Chair of Academic Board is Professor Panos Piperopoulos.  Professor Piperopoulos is a Professor of Strategic Management at the La Trobe Business School.