Contact us

Please send all legal requests to and an available solicitor will be allocated to assist.

If you wish to serve a subpoena on the University, this can be effected by emailing a valid subpoena to:

Legal Services
David Myers Building
Room W327, Level 3
La Trobe University
Bundoora, Victoria 3086, Australia
Ph: + 61 (03) 9479 2495

Linda Robertson General Counsel and Director, Assurance
Travis McGregorDeputy General Counsel, Commercial Operations & Research
Sarah SorsbyDeputy General Counsel,  Assurance & Compliance
Abigail CarreonSenior Lawyer
Eleanor AthanasiouSenior Lawyer
Paul JefferySenior Lawyer
Mark JessenSenior Lawyer
Sarah DoumaniSenior Lawyer
Adrian CilmiSenior Lawyer
Clare BroughtonLawyer, Compliance
Claire GuanLawyer
Michael TroyLawyer
Simon HubelLawyer