
Keep up to date with the latest news and analysis on Asia with our wide range of material including op-eds, policy documents and much more. Learn about the breadth and depth of research undertaken by La Trobe researchers.
Journal Articles, Reports and Books
Healthcare Responses to Gender-Based Violence in Timor-Leste: Women Want Empathy, Information and Safety From an Integrated Support System
Authors: Kayli Wild, Felicity Young, Guilhermina de Araujo, Angelina Fernandes, Lidia Gomes, Linda Kelly, Angela Taft
in Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2022, Vol. 0(0) 1–24; DOI
You can read the article here.
Exploring Telehealth Readiness in a Resource Limited Setting: Digital and Health Literacy Among Older People in Rural India (DAHLIA)
Authors: Rasekaba, T.M.; Pereira, P.; Rani G, V.; Johnson, R.; McKechnie, R.; Blackberry, I.
in Geriatrics, 2022,7(2), 28; DOI
You can read the article here.
Organizing Sport for Climate Related Adaptations: Lessons from the Water and Forestry Industries
Authors: Cheryl Mallen and Greg Dingle
in Sustainability, 2021 Vol 13, Issue 18; DOI
A Cross-Sectoral Investigation of the Energy–Environment–Economy Causal Nexus in Pakistan: Policy Suggestions for Improved Energy Management
Authors:Rizwan Fazal, Syed Aziz Ur Rehman, Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti, Atiq Ur Rehman, Fariha Arooj and Umar Hayat
in Energies 2021, 14 (17), 5495; DOI:
Education and Social Justice in Japan
Author: Kaori Okano
Routledge, 2021
Sacred Sites, Rituals, and Performances in the Ecosystem of Religious Tourism
Author: Kiran Shinde
in Religions Vol 12, Issue 7, DOI:
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sacred Sites, Rituals, and Performances: New Perspective for Religious Tourism Development)
Scaling up agriculture? The dynamics of land transfer in inland China
Authors: Sarah Rogers, Brooke Wilmsen, Xiao Han, Zoe Ju-Han Wange, Yuefang Duan,
Jun He, Jie Li, Wanlong Lin, Christine Wong
in World Development 146 (2021) 105563 DOI:
“Imported Buddhism” or “Co-Creation”? Buddhist Cultural Heritage and Sustainability of Tourism at the World Heritage Site of Lumbini, Nepal
Author: Kiran Shinde
in Sustainability 2021, 13(11), 5820 DOI:
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sustainability of Visitor Attractions and Heritage Interpretation and can be read online)
Factors affecting self-medication practices among people living with type 2 diabetes in India- A systematic review
Authors: Rahul Krishna Puvvada, Sabrina Gupta, Clarice Y Tang, Anwar N Althubyani, Markandeya Jois, Peter Higgs, M Ramesh, Jency Thomas
in Metabolism Open, Volume 9, March 2021, DOI:
Delayed HIV testing and treatment seeking, and associated support needs among people living with HIV in Malaysia: a qualitative study
Authors: Susan C. S. Chong, Adeeba Kamarulzaman, Iskandar Azwa, Rong-Xiang Ng, Meng-Li Chong, Nishaan Raman and Adam Bourne
in Sexual Health, 2021 (Published online: 15 March 2021) DOI:
Access to female contraceptives by Rohingya refugees, Bangladesh
Authors: Md Nuruzzaman Khan, M Mofizul Islam, Md Mashiur Rahmanc & Md Mostafizur Rahmand
in Bulletin of World Health Organization 2021;99:201–208
Intimate Partner Abuse Among Rohingya Women and Its Relationship With Their Abilities to Reject Husbands’ Advances to Unwanted Sex
Authors: M Mofizul Islam, Md Nuruzzaman Khan, and Md Mashiur Rahman
in Journal of Interpersonal Violence 1–18, February 2021, DOI:
Just adaptation? Generating new vulnerabilities and shaping adaptive capacities through the politics of climate-related resettlement in a Philippine coastal city
Authors: Justin See and Brooke Wilmsen
in Global Environmental Change, 65:102188-102188, 2020,
Buddhist Tourism in Asia: Towards Sustainable Development
Editor: Kiran Shinde
UNWTO, August 2020,
Violating Peace: Sex, Aid, and Peacekeeping
Author: Jasmine-Kim Westendorf
Cornell University Press, 2020
"The bus doesn’t stop for us": Multilingualism, attitudes and identity in songs of a Tibetic community of Nepal
Authors: Lauren Gawne, Gerald Roche, & Ruth Gamble
in Multilingua 2020
Tibetan Language Rights and Civil Society in the People’s Republic of China: Challenges of and for Rights
Author: Gerald Roche
in Asian Studies Review 2020
The Alphabetical Order of Things: The Language of Place and the Place of Language in Tibetan Song
Author: Gerald Roche
in Keith Howard and Catherine Ingram (eds) Presence through sound: Music and place in East Asia. 2020, London: Routledge, 72-86.
China's Second-Generation Ethnic Policies are Already Here
Authors: Gerald Roche and James Leibold
in Made in China, 2020
Read online
Urbanising Tibet: Aspirations, Illusions, and Nightmares
Authors: Gerald Roche, James Leibold, and Ben Hillman
in Jane Golley, Linda Jaivin, Ben Hillman, and Sharon Strange (eds) China Dreams. 2020 Canberra: ANU Press, 174-185.
Available for download
International relations and the Himalaya: connecting ecologies, cultures and geopolitics
Authors: Alex E Davis, Ruth Gamble, Gerald Roche, & Lauren Gawne
in Australian Journal of International Affairs, 2020 1-21
Visualizing law and justice at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
Author: Maria Elander
in American Journal of International Law, 114, 128-132
Managers in the publicly funded health services in China – Characteristics and responsibilities
Authors: Liang Z, Blackstock, F, Howard P, Liu G, Geoffrey L and Bartram T.
in BMC Health Services Research, 20:721
Developing senior hospital managers: does ‘one size fit all’? – evidence from the evolving Chinese Health System
Authors: Liang Z, Howard P, Wang J, Xu M, Zhao M.
in BMC Health Service Research, 20:281
Norm contestation, statecraft and the South China Sea: defending maritime order
Author: Rebecca Strating
in The Pacific Review DOI:
Forcing and Calculi for Hybrid Logics
Author: Daniel Găină
in Journal of the ACM, vol. 67, issue 4, pp. 1-55, 2020 DOI:
Comparison of Chinese Gaokao and Western university undergraduate admission criteria: Australian ATAR as an example
Authors: Alan Farley and Helen Hong Yang
in Journal of Higher Education Research & Development, Vol 39, Issue 3, 2020 Available here
Religious Tourism and the Environment
Editors: Kiran A Shinde and Daniel H Olsen
CABI 2020
The hidden variable: environmental migration from North Korea
Authors: Jay Song and Benjamin Habib
in The Pacific Review, June 2020
Precarious resettlement at the Bui Dam, Ghana
Authors: Brooke Wilmsen and David Adjartey
in Geographical Research, June 2020
Quantification and characterization of the municipal solid waste for sustainable waste management in newly formed municipalities of Nepal
Authors: Dhundi Raj Pathak, Bandita Mainali, Hossam Abo El Naga, Michael Angove, Ing Kong
in Waste Management and Research May 2020
Prefiguring stigma in post‐trafficking lives: Relational geographies of return and reintegration
Author: Sallie Yea
in Area, 2020;00:1-8
Public Opinion Polling and Post-truth Politics in Indonesia
Author: Dirk Tomsa
in Contemporary Southeast Asia 42, No. 1 (2020), pp. 1-27 DOI: 10.1355/cs42-1a
Human Trafficking and Jurisdictional Exceptionalism in the Global Fishing Industry: A Case Study of Singapore
Author: Sallie Yea
in Geopolitics,
Introduction: a critical analysis of Australian foreign, defence and strategic policy
Authors: Rebecca Strating and Jasmine Westendorf
in Australian Journal of International Affairs,
Women in Australian international affairs
Authors: Jasmine Westendorf and Rebecca Strating
in Australian Journal of International Affairs,
Infrastructure, Order and Contested Asia: How BRI Will Influence Asia's Emerging International Order
Author: Nick Bisley
in Clarke, M. et al. (editors) The Belt and Road Initiative and the Future of Regional Order in the Indo-Pacific, 2020, Lexington Book, Lanham
The Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies of the Belt and Road Initiative: The Geopolitical Implications
Authors: Brooke Wilmsen, Andrew van Hulten, Xiao Han & David Adjartey
in Clarke, M. et al. (editors) The Belt and Road Initiative and the Future of Regional Order in the Indo-Pacific, 2020, Lexington Books, Lanham
Enabling authoritarianism in the Indo-Pacific: Australian exemptionalism
Author: Rebecca Strating
in Australian Journal of International Affairs,Vol 74, Issue 3, 2020 DOI:
Uyghur's for sale: ‘Re-education’, forced labour and surveillance beyond Xinjiang
Authors: Vicky Xiuzhong Xu with Danielle Cave, James Leibold, Kelsey Munro, Nathan Ruser
An Australian Strategic Policy Institute Policy Brief, Report No. 26, 2020
Natural history of dental caries: Baseline characteristics of the VicGen birth cohort study
Authors: Amit Chattopadhyay, Bradley Christian, Mohd. Masood, Hanny Calache, Lauren Carpenter, Lisa Gibbs, Mark Gussy
in International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 2019;00:1–8. DOI: 10.1111/ipd.12609
Regional Chinese in Contact
Editor: James Walker
Special issue of Asian-Pacific Language Variation, 5:1 (2019)
Available here
Trafficking of young women and girls in South-East Asia: A review of existing evidence
Author: Sallie Yea
in Supporting Brighter Futures: Young women and girls and labour migration in South-East Asia and the Pacific, IOM (2019), Geneva, pp 85-98
Available here [PDF]
Is charge transfer doping possible at the interfaces of monolayer VSe2 with MoO3 and K?
Authors: Lei Zhang, Xiaoyue He, Kaijian Xing, Wen Zhang, Anton Tadich, Ping Kwan Johnny Wong, Dongchen Qi, Andrew T. S. Wee
in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11, 43789, (2019)
Performing Gender: Cosplay and Otaku Cultures and Spaces
Author: Emerald King
in Lucy Fraser, Mark Pendleton and Jennifer Coates (editors) Routledge Companion to Gender and Japanese Culture. Forthcoming Routledge. More information here
A brief history of cosplay at Australasian popular culture conventions
Author: Emerald King
in Celia Lam and Jackie Raphael (editors) Australian Fandom: Online, Offline and Transcultural Spaces. University of Iowa Press, 2019. pp 233-260. More information here
Generating a chain of maps which preserve the same integral as a given map
Authors: J.M. Tuwankotta, P.H. van der Kamp, G.R.W. Quispel and K.V.I. Saputra
in Physica Scripta, (2019) Vol. 94 No. 12 (11pp) DOI:
Gender diversity on audit committees and its impact on audit fees: evidence from India
Authors: Miglani, S. and Ahmed, K.
in Accounting Research Journal, (2019) Vol. 32 No. 4, pp. 568-586. DOI:
A feminist critical discourse analysis of sexual harassment in the Japanese political and media worlds
Author: Emma Dalton
in Women's Studies International Forum, Volume 77, November-December 2019. DOI:
East Asia's Contested Security Order - Special Issue
Guest Editors: Nick Bisley and Rebecca Strating
Australian Journal of Politics and History, Volume 65, Number 3, 2019. DOI:
Asia's Regional Security Order: Rules, Power and Status
Author: Nick Bisley
in Australian Journal of Politics and History, Volume 65, Number 3, 2019. DOI:
Maritime Disputes, Sovereignty and the Rules‐Based Order in East Asia
Author: Rebecca Strating
in Australian Journal of Politics and History, Volume 65, Number 3, 2019. DOI:
A systematic review of screening tools for the detection of autism spectrum disorder in mainland China and surrounding regions
Authors: Ji Wang, Daren Hedley, Simon M Bury, Josephine Barbaro
in Autism, 2019 [Epub ahead of print]; DOI:
Multimedia, Mobility and the Digital Southeast Asian Family’s Polymedia Experiences - Special Issue
Guest Editor: Monika Winarnita
Migration, Mobility and Displacement, Volume 4, Number 1, 2019. Available online here.
Multimedia and Layers of Transnational Family Communication
Authors: Howard Nicholas, Xuan Thu Dang, Donna Starks
in Migration, Mobility and Displacement, Volume 4, Number 1, 2019. Available online here.
Digital Family Ethnography: Lessons from Fieldwork amongst Indonesians in Australia
Author: Monika Winarnita
in Migration, Mobility and Displacement, Volume 4, Number 1, 2019. Available online here.
Meat Eating and the Transition from Plant-Based Diets among Urban Indians
Authors: Matthew B. Ruby and Tani Khara
in M/C Journal, 2019, Volume 22, Number 22. Available online here.
“What We Have Shared Is Actually a Big Secret”: Group Art Therapy With Divorced Single Mothers in Malaysia
Authors: Patricia Fenner and Zakaria B. Mohamad
in Art Therapy, 2019; DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2019.1609327
Quantifying the impact of language on the performance of international accounting students: A cognitive load theory perspective
Authors: Helen Yang and Alan Farley
in English for Specific Purposes, 2019 (forthcoming); DOI: 10.1016/j.esp.2019.03.003
A Sino-American Grand Bargain: Hope or Hyperbole?
Author: Nick Bisley
in Peter J. Dean, Stephan Fruhling, Brendan Taylor (eds) After American Primacy: Imagining the Future of Australia's Defence (Melbourne: Melbourne University Publishing), 2019
Australia's Whole-of-government Indo-Pacific
Author: Euan Graham
in John Hemmings (ed) Infrastructure, Ideas, and Strategy in the Indo-Pacific (London: Henry Jackson Society), 2019. PDF available here.
Interior Ethnic Minority Boarding Schools: China’s Bold and Unpredictable Educational Experiment - Special Issue
Guest Editor: James Leibold
in Asian Studies Review, Volume 43, 2019 - Issue 1; DOI:
Cultural and Political Disciplining inside China’s Dislocated Minority Schooling System
Authors: James Leibold and Timothy A. Grose
in Asian Studies Review, Volume 43, 2019 - Issue 1, pages 16-35; DOI:
Uyghur Graduates’ Ethnicity in their Dislocated Life Experience: Employment Expectations, Choices and Obstacles
Author: Yangbin Chen
in Asian Studies Review, Volume 43, 2019 - Issue 1, pages 75-93; DOI:
Mobilities of Older Chinese Rural-Urban Migrants: A Case Study in Beijing
Authors: Yang Cheng, Mark Rosenberg, Rachel Winterton, Irene Blackberry and Siyao Gao
in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019, 16(3), 488; DOI:
What happens to the labour supply and schooling of the children left behind by temporary migrants?
Authors: Alison Booth and Yuji Tamura
in Singapore Economic Review, [Epub ahead of print], 2018. DOI:
Indigenous Efflorescence: Beyond Revitalisation in Sapmi and Ainu Mosir
Edited by: Gerald Roche, Hiroshi Maruyama, Åsa Virdi Kroik
Australian National University Press, 2018
The Post-Colonial Security Dilemma : Timor-Leste and the International Community
Author: Rebecca Strating
ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, 2018
India and the Anglosphere Race, Identity and Hierarchy in International Relations
Author: Alexander Davis
Routledge, 2018
Agriculture as a Metaphor for Creativity in All Human Endeavors
Editors: Anderssen, R.S., Broadbridge, P., Fukumoto, Y., Kajiwara, K., Simpson, M., Turner, I.
Springer (2018)
This book is a collection of papers presented at the 'Forum "Math-for-Industry" 2016 ' (FMfl2016), held at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, on November 21–23, 2016.
Integrable Discrete Model for One-dimensional Soil Water Infiltration
Authors: Dimetre Triadis, Philip Broadbridge, Kenji Kajiwara and Ken-Ichi Maruno
in Studies in Applied Mathematics, 140 (4), 483-507 (2018)
Interior Ethnic Minority Boarding Schools: China’s Bold and Unpredictable Educational Experiment
Author: James Leibold
in Asian Studies Review (2018), DOI: 10.1080/10357823.2018.1548572
Challenging the risks-based model of involuntary resettlement using evidence from the Bui Dam, Ghana
Authors: Wilmsen B, Adjartey D, van Hulten A.
in International Journal of Water Resources Development, 2018 1-19 DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2018.1471390
Two dimensional shrinking target problems in beta dynamical systems
Authors: Mumtaz Hussain and Weiliang Wang
in Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 97 (2018), no. 1, 33–42 DOI:
Measuring and preventing alcohol use and related harm among young people in Asian countries: A thematic review
Authors: Jiang, H., Xiang, X., Hao, W., Room, R., Zhang, X., Wang, X
in Global Health Research and Policy, 3(14), 1-14. DOI:
Figuring Victims in International Criminal Justice: The case of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal
Author: Maria Elander
Routledge, 2018
Contribution of osmotic suction to shear strength of unsaturated high plasticity silty soil
in Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 15 (2018) 65-73 DOI:
Series-parallel structure-oriented electrical conductivity model of saturated clays
Authors: Md Farhad Hasan, Hossam Abuel-Naga, Philip Broadbridge and E.-C. Leong
in Applied Clay Science, 2018 (September) DOI:
Experimental-artificial intelligence approach for characterizing electrical resistivity of partially saturated clay liners
Authors: AL Rashid Q.A., Abuel-Naga H.M., Leong E.-C., Lu Y. and Al Abadi H.
in Applied Clay Science, 2018 (May) DOI:
Effect of water salinity on the water retention curve of geosynthetic clay liners
Authors: Yi Lu, Hossam Abuel-Naga, Eng-Choon Leong, Abdelmalek Bouazza and Peter Lock
in Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2018 (December) DOI:
Is there a problem with the Quad?
Author: Nick Bisley
A China Matters Policy Brief
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Resignifying ‘responsibility’: India, exceptionalism and nuclear non-proliferation
Authors: Priya Chako and Alexander E Davis
in Asian Journal of Political Science published 13 June, 2018
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Challenges of local ownership: Understanding the outcomes of the international community’s ‘Light Footprint’ approach to the Nepal peace process
Author: Jasmine-Kim Westendorf
in Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 2018 (May) DOI: 10.1080/17502977.2018.1472963
Read the article.
Teaching “soft skills” to university students in China: the feasibility of an Australian approach
Authors: Li Yan, Yang Yinghong, Siu Man (Carrie) Lui, Mary Whiteside & Komla Tsey
in Educational Studies, DOI: 10.1080/03055698.2018.1446328
Read the article.
‘An act of faith’ or a new ‘Brown Empire’? The dismissal of India’s international anti-Racism, 1945–1961
Author: Davis, A and Thakur, V.
in Commonwealth & Comparative Politics published 17 Dec, 2017.
Read the article.
Australia Faces Contested Asia
Author: Nick Bisley
in Regional Security Outlook 2018 editors Ron Huisken and Kathryn Brett pp 29-31, Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (CSCAP), 2018
Chen Quanguo: The Strongman Behind Beijing's Securitization Strategy in Tibet and Xinjiang
Authors: Zenz, A and Leibold, J.
in China Brief, 17.12 (September 21)
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The measurement properties of the spence children's anxiety scale-parent version in a large international pooled sample of young people with autism spectrum disorder
Authors: Magiati, Iliana & Wei Lerh, Jian & Hollocks, Matthew & Uljarevic, Mirko & Rodgers, Jacqui & McConachie, Helen & Ozsivadjian, Ann & South, Mikle & Van Hecke, Amy & Hardan, Antonio & Libove, Robin & Leekam, Susan & Simonoff, Emily.
in Autism Research (2017), June, DOI: 10.1002/aur.1809
'I Feel Free’: the Experience of a Peer Education Program with Fijians with Spinal Cord Injury
Authors: Chaffey,LY., & Bigby, C.
in Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, (2017)
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Health Education by Peers with Spinal Cord Injury: a Scoping Review
Authors: Chaffey,LY., & Bigby, C.
in Journal of Developmental and Physical Disability, (2017)
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Delivery of Essential Medicines to Primary Care Institutions and its Association with Procurement Volume and Price: A Case Study in Hubei Province
Authors: Tang, Y., Liu, CJ., & Zhang, X.
in China Applied Health Economics & Health Policy, 15(1), 57-64
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Inequality in the distribution of health resources and health services in China: hospitals versus primary care institutions.
Authors: Zhang T, Yu Y, Ren J, Sun L, Liu CJ
in International Journal for Equity in Health (16) 42. DOI: 10.1186/s12939-017-0543-9
Perceived impacts of the national essential medicines system: a cross-sectional survey of health workers in urban community health services in China.
Authors: Tao Zhang, Chaojie Liu, Jianping Ren, Sheng Wang, Xianhong Huang, Qing Guo.
in BMJ Open
Tolerating dissimilar other when primed with death: Neural evidence of self-control engaged by interdependent people in Japan
Authors: Yanagisawa, K., Kashima, E., Moriya, H., Masui, K., Furutani, K., Yoshida, H., Ura, M., & Nomura, M.
in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(6), 910-917. DOI: 10.1093/scan/nsx012
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Alcohol marketing and youth drinking in Asia
Authors: Jiang, H., Xiang, X., Waleewong, O. and Room, R.
in Addiction, Vol 112, Issue 8, August 2017
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A Communal Affair over International Affairs: The Arrival of IR in Late Colonial India
Authors: Vineet Thakur & Alexander E. Davis
in South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies. Published online: July 31, 2017.
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The measurement properties of the spence children's anxiety scale-parent version in a large international pooled sample of young people with autism spectrum disorder
Authors: Magiati, I., Lerh, J.W., Hollocks, M., Uljarevic, M, Rodgers, J., McConachi, H., Ozsivadjian, A., South, M., Ven Hecke, A., Hardan, A., Libove, R., Leekman, S., Simonoff, E.
in Autism Research 2017, June 2 doi: 10.1002/aur.1809
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Integrated Asia: Australia's Dangerous New Strategic Geography
Author: Nick Bisley
Centre of Gravity series paper #31, Strategic & Defence Studies Centre, ANU, May 2017
Damming China’s rivers to expand its cities: the urban livelihoods of rural people displaced by the Three Gorges Dam
Author: Brooke Wilmsen
in Urban Geography May 2017
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“Have You Noticed any Changes upon your Return”? Vietnamese Alumni After Their Australian University Experiences
Authors: Starks, D and Nicholas, H
in Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, Vol 46, Issue 3, 2017
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Impaired Activation of Visual Attention Network for Motion Salience is Accompanied by Reduced Functional Connectivity between Frontal Eye Fields and Visual Cortex in Strabismic Amblyopia
Authors: Wang H, Crewther SG, Liang M, Laycock R, Yu T, Alexander B, Crewther DP, Wang J, Yin Z.
in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2017 Apr 21;11:195. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00195. eCollection 2017. PMID: 28484381
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Xinjiang’s Rapidly Evolving Security State
Authors: Zenz, A, and Leibold, J
in China Brief Volume: 17 Issue: 4
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Project management in health and community services: getting good ideas to work. Allen & Unwin: Sydney.
Authors: Dwyer J, Liang Z, Thiessen V and Martini A
People’s Medical Publishing House, China, 2017 (Chinese Translation - originally published in 2013 under Allen and Unwin, Sydney)
Research Collaboration between Australian and Indian Universities: potential for growth
Author: John Bayliss
An Australia India Institute report produced by AII Founding Partner La Trobe University for the Australian Commonwealth’s Department of Education and Training
Download the report [PDF 1,785KB]
Pathways to India - Promoting Student Mobility
Author: John Bayliss
Feasibility report published by La Trobe Asia.
Download the report [PDF 1,125 KB]
Following resettlers through time: The value of longitudinal data collection for understanding the livelihood impacts of the Three Gorges Dam, China
Authors: Brooke Wilmsen and A. van Hulten
in Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, Special Edition 35(1) 2017
Assessing Health-Related Quality of Life of Chinese Adults in Heilongjiang Using EQ-5D-3L
Authors: Huang, W.D., Yu, H.J., Liu, C.J., Liu, G.X., Wu, Q.H., Zhou, J., Zhang, X., Zhao, X.W., Shi, L.M., Xu, X.X.
in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(3), 224. Retrieved from
Factors associated with the quality of life of family caregivers for leukemia patients in China
Authors: Yu, H., Li, L., Liu, C.J., Huang, W., Zhou, J., Fu, W., Ma, Y., Li, S., Chang, Y., Liu, G., Wu, Q.
in Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 15: 55. DOI: 10.1186/s12955-017-0628-6
Perceived challenges to achieving universal health coverage: a cross-sectional survey of social health insurance managers/administrators in China
Authors: Shan, L., Wu, Q., Liu, C., Li, Y., Cui, Y., Liang, Z., Hao, Y., Liang, L., Ning, N., Ding, D., Pan, Q., & Han, L.
in BMJ Open, 7(5). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014425
Issues in 21st Century World Politics
3rd edition
Editors: Mark Beeson and Nick Bisley
Macmillan Education UK, 2017
Solvable extensions of negative Ricci curvature of filiform Lie groups.
Author: Nikolayevsky, Y.
Published in Mathematische Nachrichten, 289 (2016), 321-331.
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Public reporting as a prescriptions quality improvement measure in primary care settings in China: variations in effects associated with diagnoses
Authors: Tang Y, Liu CJ, Zhang X,
Read in Scientific Reports 6:39361
Community preparedness for emergency: A cross-sectional survey of residents in Heilongjiang of China.
Authors: Xu WL, Hao YH, Wu QH, Ning N, You J, Liu CJ, Jiao ML, Gao LJ, Kang Z, Liang LB, Sun H, Cui Y, Li Y, Han XN, Fang X, Zhao XY, Hu M, Ding D, Gao H & Lu J.
in BMJ Open 5:e008479 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008479
How Prepared Are Hospitals’ Emergency Management Capacity? Factors Influencing Efficiency of Disaster Rescue
Authors: Gao, L., Wu, Q., Li, Y., Ding, D., Hao, Y., Cui, Y., Kang, Z., Jiao, M., Liang, L., Ferrier, A., Ning, N. and Sun, H.
in Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 1-8 DOI: 10.1017/dmp.2016.25
Identifying weaknesses in national health emergency response skills and techniques with emergency responders: A cross-sectional study from China
Authors: Ren, J., Wu, Q., Hao, Y., Ferrier, A., Sun, H., Ding, D., Ning, N., Cui, Yu.
in American Journal of Infection Control 45(1):e1-e6. doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2016.10.001
Prescribing Patterns in Outpatient Clinics of Township Hospitals in China: A Comparative Study before and after the 2009 Health System Reform
Authors: Ding, D., Pan, Q., Shan, L., Liu, C.J., Gao, L., Hao, Y., Song, J., Ning, N., Cui, Y., Li, Y., Qi, X., Liang, C., Wu, Q., Liu, G.
in Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 13(7), 679; doi:10.3390/ijerph13070679
Patient Satisfaction with Hospital Inpatient Care: Effects of Trust, Medical Insurance and Perceived Quality of Care
Authors: Shan, L., Li, Y., Ding, D., Wu, Q., Liu, C.J., Jiao, M., Hao, Y., Han, Y., Gao, L., Hao, J., Wang, L., Xu, W., Ren, J.
in PLoS ONE 11(10): e0164366. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0164366
Correlates of unequal access to preventive care in China: a multilevel analysis of national data from the 2011 China Health and Nutrition Survey
Authors: Huang C, Liu CJ, Pan XF, Liu X, Li NX
in BMC Health Service Research 16:177 DOI 10.1186/s12913-016-1426-2
Urban–rural disparity in utilization of preventive care services in China
Authors: Liu X, Li N, Liu CJ, Ren X, Liu D, Gao B, Liu Y
in Medicine 95(37):e4783, 2016
Self-esteem modulates amygdala-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex connectivity in response to mortality threats
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Analytic Cut and Interpolation for Bi-Intuitionistic Logic
Authors: Kowalski, T and Ono, H
in The Review of Symbolic Logic, December 2016
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Beijing's Eyes and Ears Grow Sharper in Xinjiang
Authors: Leibold, J, and Zenz, A
in Foreign Affairs, December 2016
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Australia's Strategic Culture and Asia's Changing Regional Order
Author: Nick Bisley
in The National Bureau of Asian Research, NBR Special Report #60, December 2016
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Expanding capitalism in rural China through land acquisition and land reforms
Author: Brooke Wilmsen
in Journal of Contemporary China. 25(101): 701-717, 2016 [Selected as the 2016 Journal of Contemporary China Editor's Choice Article]
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Mega dams and resistance: The case of the Three Gorges Dam, China
Authors: Brooke Wilmsen and M. Webber
in Demanding Rights: Claiming Justice in the Global South, Jean Grugel, Anders Uhlin, Jewellord Nem Singh and Lorenza Fontana, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2016.
After the deluge: The longer-term impacts of the Three Gorges Dam
Author: Brooke Wilmsen
in World Development 84: 41-54
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Civil Society and Gender-Based Violence: Expanding the Horizons of Transitional Justice
Author: Nicola Henry
in Australian Feminist Law Journal 42:1, 119-136, DOI: 10.1080/13200968.2016.1175334
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Harnessing the State: Social Transformation, Infrastructural Development, and the Changing Governance of Water Systems in the Kangra District of the Indian Himalayas
Author: Harry Fischer
in Annals of the Association of American Geographers - October 2016
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The minzu net: China's fragmented national form
Author: James Leibold
in Nations and Nationalism 22.3 (June): 423-28.
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Interethnic conflict in the PRC: Xinjiang and Tibet as Exceptions?
Author: James Leibold
in Ethnic Conflict and Protest in Tibet and Xinjiang: Unrest in China's West, eds. Ben Hillman and Gray Tuttle, pp. 223-250, New York: Columbia University Press, 2016.
Social context affects tail displays by Phrynocephalus vlangalii lizards from China
Authors: Richard A. Peters, Jose A. Ramos, Juan Hernandez, Yayong Wu and Yin Qi
in Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 31573 (2016) ,
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Alcohol and the Sustainable Development Goals
Authors: Jiang, H., Xiang, X., Room, R., and Hao, W.
in The Lancet, Vol 388, No.10051 (DOI:
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Australia’s Changing Perception of Japan: From Source of Anxiety to ‘Closest Friend in Asia
Author: Nick Bisley
in Sengo 70 Nenwo Koete- Doitsu no Sentaku, Nihon no Kanyo” ( Beyond 70 Years after the World War II: International Engagement of Germany and Japan) edited by Toshiya Nakamura.
Creeping Islamophobia: China’s Hui Muslims in the Firing Line
Author: James Leibold
in China Brief Volume 16, Issue 10
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Okinawan Women Demand U.S. Forces Out After Another Rape and Murder: Suspect an ex-Marine and U.S. Military Employee
Authors: Takazato Suzuyo, Steve Rabson and Emma Dalton
in The Asia-Pacific Journal June 1, 2016 vol. 14, issue 11, no. 4
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Regional party networks and the limits of democratic norm diffusion in Southeast Asia
Author: Dirk Tomsa
in International Political Science Review, April 2016
Han cybernationalism and state territorialization in the People's Republic of China
Author: James Leibold
in China Information March 2016 vol. 30 no. 1 3-28
Perception of Nepalese dental hygiene and dentistry students towards the dental hygienists profession
Authors: Knevel, R.J.M., Gussy, M.G., Farmer, J., and Karimi, L.
in Int J Dent Hygiene 15, 2017; 219–228 DOI: 10.1111/idh.12192
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Solvable extensions of negative Ricci curvature of filiform Lie groups
Author: Yuri Nikolayeksky
in Mathematische Nachrichten, 289 (2016), 321-331 DOI: 10.1002/mana.201500019
Witch-Hunt and Conspiracy: The ‘Ninja Case’ in East Java
Author: Nicholas Herriman
Monash University Publishing, 2016
Use of appropriate healthcare technologies in rural Zhejiang of China.
Authors: Ren JP, Liu CJ, Gao QS, Yang LP, Guo Q
Read in BMC Health Services Research (15):295 doi:10.1186/s12913-015-0947-4
Implementation of national essential medicine policy and its influencing factors: a cross-sectional study of township hospitals in China.
Authors: Yang LP, Liu CJ, Ferrier A, Zhang XP
Read in Social Science & Medicine doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.08.044
Urban-rural inequality regarding drug prescriptions in primary care facilities - a pre-post comparison of the National Essential Medicines Scheme of China.
Authors: Yao, Q., Liu, C., Ferrier, J. A., Liu, Z., Sun, J. (2015)
Read in: Int J Equity Health, 14, 58. doi:10.1186/s12939-015-0186-7.
Nepalese dental hygiene and dental students’ career choice motivation and plans after graduation: a descriptive cross-sectional comparison
Authors: Knevel, R.J.M., Gussy, M.G., Farmer, J., and Karimi, L.
in BMC Medical Education 2015 Dec 11;15(1):1. DOI: 10.1186/s12909-015-0500-5
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Agenda setting and evidence in maternal health: connecting research and policy in Timor-Leste
Authors: Wild, K, Kelly, P, Barclay, L and Martin, N
in Frontiersin Public Health, 10 September 2015
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Rice SPX-Major Facility Superfamily3, a Vacuolar Phosphate Efflux Transporter, Is Involved in Maintaining Phosphate Homeostasis in Rice
Authors: Wang C, Yue W, Ying Y, Wang S, Secco D, Liu Y, Whelan J, Tyerman SD, Shou H
in Plant Physiology 169(4):2822-31
Dancing the Feminine: Gender & Identity Performances by Indonesian Migrant Women
Author: Monika Winarnita
Sussex Academic Press, 2015
Art and Mental Health in Samoa
Authors: Brigid Ryan, Margaret Goding, Patricia Fenner, Steven Percival, Wendy Percival, Leua Latai, Lisi Petaia, Fuimaono Karl Pulotu-Endemann, Ian Parkin, George Tuitama, Chee Ng.
Australian Psychiatry 2015, Vol 23(6) Supplement 55-58.
China's Ethnic Policy Under Xi Jinping
Author: James Leibold
in China Brief, Volume 15, Issue 20
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Segregated Diversity: Uyghur Residential Patterns in Xinjiang, China
Authors: James Leibold and Danielle Xiaodan Deng
in Hayes, A and Clarke, M (eds) Inside Xinjiang: Space, Place and Powser in China's Muslim Far Northwest, London, Routledge, 2015
The law of the people: civil society war crimes tribunal and wartime sexual violence
Author: Nicola Henry
in A. Powell, N. Henry & A. Flynn (eds.). Rape justice: beyond the realm of criminal law. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
A Casparian strip domain-like gene, CASPL, negatively alters growth and cold tolerance
Authors: Jinghua Yang, Changqing Ding, Baochen Xu, Cuiting Chen, Reena Narsai, Jim Whelan, Zhongyuan Hu & Mingfang Zhang
Scientific Reports 5, 14299; doi: 10.1038/srep14299 (2015)
Stress induced gene expression drives transient DNA methylation changes at adjacent repetitive elements
Authors: David Secco, Chuang Wang, Huixia Shou, Matthew D Schultz, Serge Chiarenza, Laurent Nussaume, Joseph R Ecker, James Whelan, Ryan Lister
eLife 2015;4:e09343. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343
RNA-Seq analysis identifies key genes associated with haustorial development in the root hemiparasite Santalum album
Authors: Xinhua Zhang, Oliver Berkowitz, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Muhan Zhang, Guohua Ma, James Whelan and Jun Duan
Frontiers in Plant Science, September 2015, Volume 6, Article 661
Why Peace Processes Fail: Negotiating Insecurity After Civil War
Author: Jasmine-Kim Westendorf
Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2015
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Performing Ethnocultural Identity on the Sinophone Internet: Testing the Limits of Minzu
Author: James Leibold
Asian Ethnicity, 16.3, pp 274-293
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South Asians and Anglo Australians with heart disease in Australia
Authors: Sabrina Gupta, Rosalie Aroni, Siobhan Lockwood, Indra Jayasuriya and Helena Teede
Australian Health Review, June 2015
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Language and superdiversity: Indonesians knowledging at home and abroad
Author: Zane Goebel
New York: Oxford University Press, 2015
Australia and the Region that 1945 Created: The Long History of Contemporary Strategy
Author: Nick Bisley
The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, Vol27 Number 2, June 2015, pp 247-261
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Local Politics and Corruption in Indonesia's Outer Islands
Author: Dirk Tomsa
Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde/Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, Volume 171, Issue 2-3, 2015, pp 196-219.
Carrot and Stick Tactics Fail to Calm China's Ethnic Antagonism
Author: James Leibold
East Asian Forum Quarterly, 7.1 (April), pp 6-8
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China's Engagement with Regional Security Multilateralism: The Case of the Shangri-La Dialogue
Authors: Nick Bisley and Brendan Taylor
Contemporary Southeast Asia, Volume 37, Number 1, April 2015, pp 29-48
Breastfeeding Support at Yayasan Bumi Sehat: A Student Midwife's Reflections
Author: Lindsey Jean Stirling (final year student in Nursing and Midwifery)
Midwifery Today, Spring 2015 pp. 38-39
Japanese Questions: Discourse, Context and Language
Author: Lidia Tanaka
Bloomsbury, 2015
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Language, Gender and Culture
Author: Lidia Tanaka
in Sharifian, F. (ed). The Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture. Routledge, 2015
Balance of Incentives: Why North Korea Interacts with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Author: Benjamin Habib
Pacific Affairs, Volume 88, Number 1, March 2015, pp. 75-97(23)
Source: Pacific Affairs
Public reporting improves antibiotic prescribing for upper respiratory tract infections in primary care: a matched-pair cluster-randomized trial in China.
Authors: Yang LP, Liu CJ, Wang LJ, Yin X, Zhang XP
Read in Health Research Policy and Systems 12(1):61
Cost-Effectiveness of Colorectal Cancer Screening Protocols in Urban Chinese Populations.
Authors: Huang WD, Liu GX, Zhang X, Fu WQ, Zheng S, Wu QH, Liu CJ, Liu Y, Cai SR, Huang YQ
Read in PLOS ONE 9(10): e109150. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109150
Identifying Determinants of Socioeconomic Inequality in Health Service Utilization among Patients with Chronic Non-communicable Diseases in China.
Author: X Xie,Q Wu, Y Hao, G Liu,N Ning, L Xu, CJ Liu,Y Li, Z Kang, H Yin, C He, Liu G
Read in PLoS ONE 9(6): e100231. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100231
Catastrophic health expenditure and rural household impoverishment in China: what role does the New Cooperative Health Insurance Scheme play?
Authors: Y Li, Q Wu, CJ Liu, N Ning, G Liu, Y Hao, Z Kang
in PLOS ONE 9(4):
Minority Education in China: Balancing Unity and Diversity in an Era of Critical Pluralism
Editors: James Leibold and Yangbin Chen
Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2014
Chapters in this book:
Introduction: Minority Education in China: Balancing Unity and Diversity in an Era of Critical Pluralism
Authors: James Leibold and Yangbin Chen
pp. 1-24
Han Chinese Reactions to Preferential Minority Education in the PRC
Author: James Leibold
Conflict in the East China Sea: Would ANZUS Apply?
Authors: Nick Bisley (La Trobe), Brendan Taylor (ANU)
Download the report [PDF 1.48M]
Also in The China Story Journal, published online 11 November, 2014
A Family Divided: The CCP's Central Ethnic Work Conference
Author: James Leibold
China Brief, 14.21 (November)
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How the East Asia Summit Can Achieve its Potential
Authors: Nick Bisley (La Trobe), Malcolm Cook (ISEAS)
ISEAS perspective, #56, 2014
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Agglomeration effects of inter-firm backward and forward linkages: evidence from Japanese manufacturing investment in China
Authors: Nobuaki Yamashita (LTU), T. Matsuura and K. Nakajima
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol.34, 2014, pp.24-41
Xinjiang Work Forum Marks New Policy of 'Ethnic Mingling'
Author: James Leibold
China Brief, 14.12 (June)
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North Korean Economic Development and the Urban Landscape of Rason
Author: Benjamin Habib
in Green, C. (ed). Tumen Triangle Documentation Project: Sourcing the Chinese-North Korean Border. Sino:NK, pp. 25-28, 2014.
Catastrophic health expenditure and rural household impoverishment in China: what role does the new cooperative health insurance scheme play?
Authors: Ye Li, Qunhong Wu (LTU Adjunct), Chaojie Liu (LTU), Zheng Kang, Xin Xie, Hui Yin, Mingli Jiao , Guoxiang Liu (LTU Adjunct), Yanhua Hao (LTU Adjunct), Ning Ning
PLoS One. 2014; 9(4): e93253, published online 8 April, 2014.
Australia and Asia's Trilateral Dilemmas: Between Beijing and Washington?
Author: Nick Bisley
Asian Survey,54.2, 2014, pp. 297-318.
Source: JSTOR
Xinhai Remembered: From Han Racial Revolution to Great Revival of the Chinese Nation
Author: James Leibold
Asian Ethnicity, 15.1, pp. 1-20
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Ethnic Policy in the PRC: Is Reform Inevitable?
Author: James Leibold
Honolulu: East-West Center, 2013
DPRK Meets UNFCCC: An Introduction to North Korea's Interactions with the International Climate Change Regime
Author: Benjamin Habib
International Review of Korean Studies, 10(1), 2013, pp.65-90
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A Rebalance to Where? US Strategic Geography in Asia
Author: Nick Bisley, Andrew Phillips
Survival: Global Politics and Strategy, 55.5, 2013, pp. 95-114
Source: IISS
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"An ally for all the years to come": why Australia is not a conflicted US ally
Author: Nick Bisley
Australian Journal of International Affairs, 67.4, 2013, pp. 403-18
Source: Taylor & Francis
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